Friday, November 30, 2012

Tips on How to Lose Weight Around the Belly

There are thousands of programs out there that promise to get rid of your belly weight or the weight around the belly. However in most cases, you will eventually waste so much of time trying them out before finding out that the program or product is not working for you. So stop wasting so much time with costly products and continue to read this article to find out free and natural ways that have proven to work wonders for losing weight around the belly.

Basically the most effective way to go about this is designing your own exercise plan with the exercises about to be mentioned. This allows flexibility because you are able to plan it according to your needs, goals and schedule. It goes without saying that if you do not work and exercise hard enough then the weight around your belly is not going to go away. This however is also true if you happen to overwork the body and not many people know this fact. Injuries might also follow and your exercise program will not be effective at all. So always exercise in proper moderation and you will notice better results.

So let us get down to how to lose weight around the belly. Well basically the exercises required are going to be both cardiovascular exercise and strength training. Examples of cardiovascular exercises can be as simple as jogging, running outdoors or on the treadmill and aerobics. Strength training which you would be required to do are for example sit-ups and crunches. Find the right mix of exercise which suits you best and challenges you.

A well known form of exercise which can greatly reduce the weight around the belly is a program known as Tae Bo. This program gives you a complete workout as you blend aerobics and martial arts together. So basically Tae Bo how Tae Bo can help you is it provides intense training that would require you to perform manoeuvres such as punching, kicking and it is usually done very fast and quick. You would seriously be surprised at the effect kicking and jumping in Tae Bo can seriously have a positive impact on your stomach region and you will start feeling the muscles in your stomach starting to get intense.

If Tae Bo is not your thing then maybe you could try another weight loss program that has known to reduce weight around the belly and that is Pilates. Pilates is very similar to yoga in that it requires both intensity and relaxation. The slow controlled movements done by your body during Pilates will rapidly start burning the fat not only around your belly but also your whole body and even start to build muscles as well.

The slow breathing factor in Pilates is the key to its success and popularity. This is because it controlled breathing will put a strain on the belly and the muscles around it cause the fat around that area to burn more effectively. Breathing is also a very important factor in any exercise program as it helps decreases fatigue during exercises which will then push you to extend your workout sessions even more. In the long run this will be very useful in reaching your weight loss goal or successfully reducing the weight around your belly. These are all proven fat burning techniques and now with this article you now know exactly the tips on how to reduce weight around the belly naturally and for free.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tips on How to Make Your Weight Loss Easier - Small Changes Can Lead to Big Results

I am going to share tips on how to make your weight loss easier by making small changes in your daily routine. The problem many of face when we have the desire to lose weight is that we just don't have the time or energy to get involved in a full program. If you can spare just a couple of minutes to read this article, I will share ways for you to make small changes that will lead to big results on the scale.

How To Make Your Weight Loss Easier

1. Keep track. Record your daily food intake in a food journal. A recent study showed that this simple task can double your weight loss in 6 months. Let's face it, snack foods are harder to put in your mouth when you know you have to write them down in your journal.

2. Look for opportunities to move more. Your body loves to move so treat it to little burst of movement. If you are stuck at your computer most of the day take half hour step breaks to get up and walk up a flight of stairs or better yet jog up. These little burst can give your metabolism a boost.

3. Eat protein at every meal. Protein is sometimes overlooked but it can be your best friend in weight loss. It not only helps you regulate your appetite but it also provides your body with the building blocks it need to maintain your muscle mass and this is vital for a full functioning fat-burning metabolism.

4. Use smaller plates and bowls. Studies prove that we eat with our eyes so if you put the same portion size in a small bowl it looks like a lot of food and you end up feeling more satisfied then if you ate the exact same amount out of a big bowl.

Use these tips on how to make your weight loss easier and you will see that small changes can add up to big time weight loss.

Would you like to learn more? Weight Loss Blueprint.

My name is Dr. Becky Gillaspy and for the past 10 years I have worked with clients who struggle with weight loss. What I have found is that most people subconsciously block their ability to lose weight due to a few predictable and correctable factors.

I would like to offer you a Free Weight Loss Blueprint that helps you clear away these self-sabotaging barriers so you are free to reach your goal and finally lose those stubborn pounds. Click This Link for your FREE COPY along with a FREE VIDEO.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tips On How To Reduce Tummy Fat

A healthy body is everyone's desire. Indeed, many marketers make fortunes by modeling products and services that will help their clients improve on their well-being. On the other hand, doctors are constantly emphasizing on the dangers associated with a build up of body fat, especially around the midsection. Therefore, the issue of how to reduce tummy fat, whether due to pregnancy, eating habits, or sedentary lifestyle, is quite imperative. If you want to lose fat around the tummy, then there are many powerful tools for success.

First, ensure that you eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, take plenty of water and get sufficient sleep. Avoid starving, since it aggravates the build up of body fats owing to a slowed metabolism. In fact, if you starve your body to burn more calories, you end up achieving the opposite.

To keep the body functioning optimally, taking smaller, but frequent food portions. Better still, a mixture of dieting and exercising will do wonders. In addition, using a well-thought-out diet with fewer carbohydrates and fats, and one that is high in fiber and proteins.

Any exercise should be hard enough to be effective, but within your threshold to avoid severe muscle damage. Secondly, be consistent. One of the most common causes of dropping out of a weight-loss program is the inability to break the weight loss plateau. A stage characterized by apparent inability of the body to shed off more weight after a period of relative success.

A successful weight loss plateau breaker should involve changing your workout style, reducing the amount you eat, drinking a lot of water and keeping a food journal. In many cases, people experience a plateau due to eating the right foods, but a bit too much, or wandering once in a while for sugary and fast foods. Worse still, a build up of toxins could have occurred due to inadequate water to detoxify your body.

Many experts insist on a holistic approach whereby you aim to exercise your whole body contrary to concentrating on a specific group of muscles. Weight training is good for shoulders, biceps and triceps; aerobics is good for cardiovascular; sit ups work well for the tummy. Therefore, aim for an all-round regiment.

The knowledge of how to reduce tummy fat is an invaluable tool. An experienced trainer can come in handy, especially to advise you on the causes of muscle injury and how to cure the same. Regular breaks are also essential to help the strained muscles recuperate.

Emily Dawson is an avid health promoter. Emily writes on topics such as how to reduce tummy fat, weight loss motivation, and strategies for developing a successful weight loss plateau breaker.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Top 4 Must Know Tips On How To Build Muscles For Skinny Guys

Hey you skinny dude, I know you had enough of those embarrassing, awkward situation where you feel you are the weakest, smallest thing on the planet. That's why I will share to you these amazing 4 tips to build some muscles!

Aside from making you feel good, this will actually help you to prevent common injuries that you may get if you are weak, small and skinny.

In any type of physical activity you must be aware that there is a chance of getting hurt, OK? So, in doing these tips, you must take double careful and try not to hurt yourself. These are pretty simple yet powerful.

Muscle Building Tip # 1: Prevention is the best medicine.

There is no doubt and no debate that this is a fact and your probably heard this more than twice too. This is because it is a fact. When doing your workout, keep focused and think about the things that you do to avoid any accidents and injuries.

Body Building Tips # 2: Do Warm Ups properly

It is always to do warm up before doing any kind of workout or exercise. This is a must! Do not skip this step as you will definitely will hurt yourself. Before lifting weights or any other exercise, warm up first. It does not matter if you want to do many repetitions of any exercises, you have to do warm ups.

Body Building Tips # 3: Stretching

At the end of every exercise, do some stretching for a couple of minutes. It does not matter if you did a heavy, rigorous workout, or a light one, it is important to take a moment, a couple of minutes and do proper stretching. This will loosen up any tighten muscles that was stressed during the workout.

Body Building Tips # 4: Be aware of the proper weight lifting techniques.

If you can, always get a good trainer if you are going to the gym. He will know the right exercises that you must first do. They also know the proper weight lifting techniques that you can apply for yourself.

Extra Important Tip # 1: Have A Good Night Sleep

Take a rest. Do not try to go to the gym 7 days a week. Always take a good amount of sleep and rest. Remember that muscle will not grow if you do not have enough sleep. will show you the excellent way of building muscles. Check it out and follow the link. Learn how to build muscles today and be the confident man you want to be.

Hope you learn something here and please send me an email showing your progress. admin at - Remember that the only thing is standing between you and a hunky of a body is discipline, consistency and determination

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Top Tips on How to Lose Weight

Are you in need of some top tips on how to lose weight? You are not alone. Losing weight is one of the top concerns of more than 80 percent of the population of the western world. It's no secret that obesity is at epidemic proportions in developed countries. This largely results from our high consumption of calories and sedentary lifestyles. We weren't designed by nature to live like that, and it affects our bodies in bad ways. People who are overweight are more likely to develop things like diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems. There's also the issue of self-esteem, which is typically low in people with weight problems.

The good news is that you don't have to suffer with obesity anymore. There are some very easy and natural ways to get the pounds off for good. If you're thinking of trying a dangerous diet product or even going for surgery to shed pounds, try some of these top tips on how to lose weight the natural way first.

1. First of all, lay off the sugar and the white flour. Stay away from potatoes, too. These are all refined carbohydrates, and they are bad, bad, bad if you're trying to lose weight. They are empty calories that are easily converted into fat and difficult to lose. These things also have little nutritional value anyway, so they have no real place in a healthy diet.

2. Next, fill up on fiber and water. Both of these things will help you feel full and make you less likely to overeat. You can get lots of fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables, so be sure to stock up on those. Not only are they rich in fiber, they're full of healthy vitamins and antioxidants that will keep you feeling good.

3. Finally, eat a lot of lean protein. This includes things like nuts, lean meats, cheeses, yogurt, and beans. Protein builds muscle and helps your body burn calories by speeding up your metabolism. Avoid the fatty stuff, though, because this will cause you to pack on more pounds. One of the best tips on how to lose weight in this regard is to always go for skim or 1% dairy products and keep your cuts of meat as lean as possible.

For more free tips and guidance on controlling your weight, be sure to visit my internet website- Tips on How to Lose Weight on weight loss.

Abu Monsur is dedicated to helping people lose weight and has set up his website for this express purpose - he invites you to visit his reputable site- Tips on How to Lose Weight for free tips and general information.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What’s the Best Muscle Building Workout Split?

The best muscle-building workout split for most people is no split at all.

Full body workouts are the premier and logical choice for at least 75% of people seeking the fastest gains in size and strength.

The more muscle you can activate during a workout the greater growth stimulation you’ll receive.

It’s just that simple.

A day consisting of snatches, ring dips and squats will always dominate a day consisting of lateral raises, front raises and upright rows.

When you do a full body workout it forces you be very wise with your exercise choices.

Since [...]]]>

View the original article here

Sunday, November 18, 2012

10 Myths About Muscle: Tested and Researched

Today we will do a mix between mythbusters and fitness writing, science and muscles; all in one, which will help us learn how to build muscle fast and quickly. The goal here was to do an in-depth analysis of some of bodybuilding’s biggest myths about training and nutrition to find out which ones work and which don’t. After using the powers of almighty science, they each received a verdict of true, false, or neutral.  Adjust your pocket protector, get out the graphing calculator, and put on your seatbelt folks.  It’s go time.

Myth 10: Don’t eat in the middle of the night


While we may feel unique, tips about training and nutrition come from places far out in left field from the likes of Oprah and Seventeen magazine, from people who have never seen a squat rack in their whole life.  This is a myth that comes from those flowery places, confusing even serious bodybuilders about late-night eating.?


When you are asleep you don’t eat which technically is a fast.  When you are fasting in your sleep, your body starts using muscle tissue for fuel, digesting amino acids into glucose.  While you’re having nightmares about monkeys, your body is eating itself alive.  The more time between your last meal and the time you go to sleep the more muscle will be burned when you lay down.  This is why slow-digesting proteins before bed are a great idea.  Casein protein shakes or cottage cheese are two good examples.

Researchers found that drinking a protein shake immediately before bed for a period of eight weeks helped subjects gain a significant amount of muscle in comparison to a normal routine where the shake was eaten during the daytime.


This was the easiest one to figure out.  Beyond just being OK to eat at night, it is really crucial to give your body some protein to eat at night.  Twenty to forty grams of slow-digesting protein before bed is a good choice, and an equal amount of slow-digesting carbs like oatmeal or wheat bread will help.

Myth 9: You have to train until your muscles fail.


The old ‘no pain no gain’ phrase is a way of saying that you shouldn’t stop until your muscles are worn out and fail.  Some say that you shouldn’t stop until you get to a rep that you cannot finish.  The point of these sayings is that you have to experience full-rep failure in order to gain muscle.  This is what many proponents of HIT believe.?


Australian researchers did studies about this, and concluded that doing one set per exercise to the point of failure is optimal without neeing to go to full-rep failure and beyond.  For growth it appears that going to the point of full-rep failure is more effective although there is not any solid evidence to prove this completely other than measured increase in growth hormones.  Growth hormones are essential for growing muscle, so the correlation makes sense.?


If you are training for strength take just one set per exercise to the point of failure and no more.  To build muscle you can take most of your sets beyond failure with something called the Weider Training Principles.  They are drop sets, forced reps, cheat sets, rest-pause and negative reps.

Myth 8: Sugars are bad.


Similar to the myth about late night eating, the idea that sugar is bad is one that comes from a general public consensus.  Everyone knows that eating skittles will rot your teeth out of your head and make you grow large supple man-boobs and a bulbous gut.  No bodybuilder wants that.?


Sugary foods cause insulin levels to spike when you eat them.  This in turn causes muscle to take that sugar up (from the glucose flowing in your blood) and put it away as glycogen stores.  Unfortunately insulin also causes fat cells to take that same sugar and make it into fat which additionally dulls down fat burning.  So partially it is true that eating sugar is bad for a majority of meals.  The right time for sugar is immediately after a workout.  The sugar that goes into your blood is great for refueling tired muscles and allowing them to replenish glycogen stores.

The key thing is to cause the insulin spike when you want it, at a time where it will be stored by the muscles rather than by fat.  If you time your sugar intake correctly, the insulin is also able to help turn on the protein synthesis process which grows muscle.

Verdict Sugar is both a good guy who can help drive protein into muscle cells and a bad guy who can cause you to gain fat.  Avoid sugar except after a workout when you can eat 40-100 grams of sugar-laden foods or drinks along with your 40 grams of protein shake.

Myth 7: Your body is only able to digest 30 grams of protein from each meal.


For reasons unknown, this myth was popular with bodybuilders in the 80s and hasn’t gone away since.  The point about eating frequent smaller portions throughout the day is sound, but such a huge and specific generalization about everyone’s ability to digest protein is a bit much.


Your ability to digest proteins is reliant on the abilities of your gastrointestinal tract, your body’s needs, how much protein you ate recently, and how much you are getting from carbohydrates and fats.  Research done on old French women showed that eating an equal amount of protein spread throughout the day was more effective at promoting protein synthesis than eating the same amount of protein at once in the middle of the day.?


There is in fact a limitation on how much protein your body can digest at a given time, but trying to say that 30 grams is true for everyone is incorrect.  The idea that you should eat six meals instead of three is a good one, but the goal should be to spread protein consumption out across the whole day.  1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight is a good figure to aim for when spread across six meals.  If for example you weighed 210 pounds, that would mean you would be eating between 35 and 52 grams of protein in each meal.

Myth 6: Building muscle and losing fat at the same time is impossible.


Logically you would think that eating more calories to build muscle and eating fewer calories to lose fat would be opposing and mutually exclusive acts.  You would be justified in thinking that you can only do one thing at a time.  This mentality has sprouted millions of bulking cycles, and many cutting cycles.?


While it is true that it is difficult to build muscle when you are restricting calories enough to lose fat, it is not impossible.  It is possible to do this when your protein intake is high enough, carbs are cut and you eat enough protein at least four times a day.  There has been research done by the University of Connecticut about low-carb dieting that resulted in subjects losing a large amount of body fat while still gaining lean body mass.

Besides watching what you eat, supplements that help build muscle are good.  Amino acids, creatine, and arginine are all good choices to include.


You can lost fat and build muscle at the same time, just like you can run your belly and pat your head at the same time.  By eating the right way, it is doable, and you will accomplish both of your goals.

Myth 5: Doing cardio after lifting.


A lot of people get on a treadmill or elliptical after lifting because they like to do their least favorite things first.  They get the bad stuff out of the way before going and doing the easy cardio.  The idea is that you are doing as much as you can to build muscle, and then doing something to avoid flab.  Somehow though, you might still feel as though something is not right about this.?


In Japan, researchers discovered that performing cardio after weight training caused a significant increase in fat burned when compared to doing the cardio first.  This may be related to a higher level of growth hormone correlated with lifting weights first.

Growth hormone serves the dual purpose of stimulating muscle growth, and releasing fat to be consumed as energy.


Go ahead and do cardio last, because it is the best way to do things!  Science backs this method up fully for building muscle and losing fat efficiently.

Myth 4: Dietary fat is not good.


The only thing as avoided by bodybuilders as much as sugar is fat.  In fact, fat is probably held in even worse regard than sugar.  Bodybuilding diets place a huge emphasis on lean protein sources like chicken and turkey, and a lot of people instinctively shy away from anything that lists fat in its nutrition facts.?


There is only one type of fat that is actually evil – trans fat.  Trans fat is made by us humans and machines, and besides being bad for you it increases muscle breakdown.  Saturated fat is hardly the baddy it is made out to be, and you actually need to have 10% of your total daily calories from it in order to promote testosterone levels.  Also, you need to get 30% of overall calories from fats, because lower levels have been shown to decrease testosterone.

You should aim to make a large part of this monounsaturated fats from things like avocados and nuts and omega-3 fats from things like salmon and trout.  Both these types of fat are not readily stored as body fat, but they are very easily burned during a workout.


Run away from trans fats, but make sure you get roughly 30% of total calories from fat with about a third of that being saturated fat, a third from monounsaturated fat and a third from omega-3 fat.

Myth 3: Stretching before training.


Exercise experts parrot this myth so frequently that you would hesitate to even think it’s a myth at all.  If you don’t read fitness magazines you might not even realize there has ever been any debate about the merits of pre-workout stretching.  ?


Despite what many people may believe, there has been no study done nor research that has shown stretching before a workout does anything to reduce injury at all.  On the other hand there is research showing that doing static stretching before training can reduce strength.  Researchers have also shown that increased flexibility comes from stretching after a workout, not before.  Given these facts, you would think that the myth is busted.  However, there is also still research that shows that dynamic stretching (high kicks, arm circles and other high speed movements) before a workout does in fact increase both power and strength.


Cut out the pre-workout static stretching, save it for after you’re done with your session.  Hold each stretch for around thirty seconds, and if you really must do a pre-workout stretch make sure it is dynamic rather than static.

Myth 2: Growth only comes from heavy training.


Just like the idea about training to the point of failure, you would expect this idea to come out of a dark smoky gym with torn posters on the wall extolling the virtues of heavy training for growth.  Everyone feels the need to “man-up” and train heavy, but how few reps and high of weights actually count as heavy?  It’s different for each person, what is heavy training to you won’t be heavy training to Arnold.  From here we can agree heavy is a function of the amount of weight which you can only do a few reps of.  Training heavy then must be doing as many of these low-rep sets as possible, and is it really best for muscle growth as you would think??


It is true that sets of under eight reps are best for strength, the research confirms that, but that is not the case for muscle growth necessarily.  Low-rep sets train the nerves to fire muscles faster and more in sync which is a key component of muscle growth.  The problem is that so few reps don’t stimulate metabolic change effectively in order to build muscle.  In order to stimulate the necessary metabolic action you should do sets of eight to twelve reps.  By doing more reps, you will help to increase metabolic byproduct production in the muscle – things like lactic acid – which will stimulate growth hormone production.  The increased presence of metabolic byproducts in the muscle will also bring water into the muscle which will stretch it and trigger the growth process.?


Training heavy is not only unnecessary for growth, it is not as effective as doing higher numbers of reps.  A moderate range of eight to twelve reps is a good middle ground, while still having some high and low rep sets in the mix.  Try to keep it balanced, but with the majority of sets falling in the middle range.

Myth 1: Training when sore is useless.


One of the most widespread myths related to bodybuilding is also a very logical one.  Delayed onset muscle soreness, also known as DOMS, is the ache you feel the day or two after an intense training session.  If DOMS is your body saying that your muscle cells are broken down from the last workout, training again would not make sense, right?


DOMS is a symptom of the natural processes of muscle recovery and growth.  A study showed that when people exercised two days after an intense workout (one which gave them DOMS), while still sore, their levels of cortisol were significantly lower than the first workout and their free testosterone was marginally higher.  Cortisol is a hormone that halts muscle growth, so being at lower levels is a good thing.  This all adds up to mean that they were in a much better anabolic state after exercising despite having DOMS from a recent workout.  On top of that, the researchers had subjects do heavy negative rep curls in order to induce soreness in the biceps and then repeated the exercise two and four days after that.

The result was that there was no real difference in strength, range of motion, soreness or chemical indicators of muscle damage (plasma creatine kinase).  What does this mean?  It shows that back-to-back-to-back intense training did not do more muscle damage.


It has been researched and shown that you generally need to have 48-72 hours between workouts in order to recover fully before working out again.  This is nothing to do with being sore, and holds true whether you are sore or not.

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Friday, November 16, 2012

10 Simple Steps To Build Muscle Mass

You can argue about shape and symmetry until you’re blue in the face, but when it comes down to it, muscle mass is the single most important aspect of a well-defined physique.  You can think of building muscle as a three component equation that combines a solid diet strategy, high intensity training, and a science-powered supplement regimen.  You don’t need a PhD to succeed so long as you follow some simple rules.  In order to help you get on the right track as quickly and painlessly as possible, we’ll go over 10 tips that will get you a running start on anabolism and set up a positive nitrogen balance – key to build muscle.

1. Two-Phase Tension

Muscle growth comes from the repeated contraction of muscle.  A lift has two phases – concentric and eccentric.  The concentric phase is where you are lifting, causing the muscle to contract and become shorter.  Most people emphasize this phase almost exclusively.  The eccentric phase of a lift is where you are releasing, allowing the muscle to lengthen.  By maintaining tension during the eccentric phase, you can effectively double the amount of exertion on the muscle being used.  Keeping tension during the lengthening of the muscle can in fact cause hypertrophy.  By keeping tension throughout both phases of a lift you can easily promote massive increases in muscle mass.

2. Get Fishy

Fatty fish like salmon are a great source for omega-3 fatty acids.  This is important because omega-3s serve to sensitize the muscle to insulin.  By doing this, omega-3s facilitate glycogen storage and encourage the entry of amino acid into muscle tissue, while at the same time preserving stores of glutamine.

3. Bring On The Salt

You’d think it was a joke – sodium is generally not something you want to be shoveling down.  Sodium is avoided because of its tendency to cause water retention, but it is also an important mineral for growing muscle.  Competitive bodybuilders may fear water weight, but sodium enhances the body’s ability to store carbohydrates and absorb amino acids, and at the same time improves muscle’s insulin responsiveness.

4. No More Aerobics!

Doing aerobic exercise is great for some, but it is counterproductive when you are trying to build muscle.  Strength gains and recovery are hampered by aerobic exercise due to the fact that they burn up the body’s stores of glycogen and branched chain amino acids (BCAA).  Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is best elevated by adding mass.  The effect is exponential as well – the more elevated your RMR, the more calories the body burns which in turn makes staying lean easier.

5. Lift Faster

How much force is generated by the muscle is proportionate to the growth you can achieve.  From physics we learn that force is the product of mass multiplied by acceleration.  In other words, the force generated is a function of both how much weight you lift and how fast you lift it.  While still increasing the weight you lift, aim to also lift it faster.  Increased speed during the second half of the rep is the goal in this case.

6. Three Day Chow Down

Low calorie diets make it impossible to reach a positive nitrogen balance, so increase the calories you consume for a three day period.  To support recovery and build muscle, you need the raw building blocks – proteins, fats and carbs.  A 50% increase in calorie intake for three days will give you a big boost without adding hardly any body fat.  If you would  be eating 3,000 calories, eat 4,500 for that three day push.  The important thing is that you restrict it to those three days so that you stimulate growth without packing on fat.  Again, this will help increase muscle’s sensitivity to insulin and provide carbs for the body to store as glycogen.  You might be overtrained and not gaining any new muscle despite continuing to work hard – this calorie burst will promote anabolism and get you back on track before things start getting stashed away as fat.  Once the three days are over, return to your usual diet.

7. Take a Break

A lot of bodybuilders train constantly, which prevents them from really packing on mass as the body is constantly trying to recover from hard workouts.  Taking a break of a couple days or so will allow the body to rebuild glycogen and bring testosterone and cortisol levels back up to their proper levels.  Giving your body some time off will also increase anabolism.

8. Midnight Munchies

The key to anabolism is having a caloric excess.  Everyone knows that eating between four and six times a day provides a constant stream of protein, fat and carbs for the body to absorb.  Adding a midnight drink is a continuation of this idea which can help to build muscle.  A great option for your middle of the night drink is Glutamine EFX which provides 30 grams of protein and carbs as well as the “essential trifecta” (see the last tip below).

9. Get a Strength Boost By Powerlifting

There are three possible responses for your muscles when you train.  A high number of reps (15 or more) increases endurance but does not improve strength or increase size.  Decreasing down to between six and twelve reps (a number typical of most bodybuilders) increases size and strength alike.  Powerlifters take it a step further, doing two to four reps in a set.  Designate a powerlifting week where you add on more weights and do low numbers of reps.  After you have done this, you should find that you are stronger in your regular six to twelve rep sessions.  It boils down to the fact that an increase in strength equals a greater tension on muscles, leading to an increase in muscle growth.

10. Supplement with The Essential Trifecta: Glutamine, Creatine and BCAA


Also known as the immunity amino.  The immune system responds to a cold, but it also jumps in when you’ve been stressing the body out with a lot of dieting and training.  When the immune system consumes glutamine, your body has less available for building new muscle.  Adding glutamine to the diet allows your body to have enough for both muscle growth and immune response.


Creatine is a precursor to the body’s source of fuel – adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  Supplementing with creatine increases its levels in muscle tissue which in turn creates more ATP, enhancing strength.  By feeding the body creatine you can increase the energy available to the body without having to consume so much food.


BCAA stands for branched chain amino acid, and it is a kind of energy reserve that is good to have for when glycogen levels drop.  By adding BCAA to your diet, nitrogen balance increases while simultaneously preventing the catabolic state that can be caused by excessive training and eating.?

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View the original article here

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

10 Things To Avoid When Training To Gain Mass

Womens’ fashion magazines always feature articles in giant print on the cover, announcing the “Four Million Ways to Lose Flab in Under A Week!” or “Eight Hot Moves That Are Sure To Drive Him Nuts”.  The titles may be over the top, but numbered lists are a great way to share a wealth of information without making you squint at a sea of words.  To that end, this article will discuss the ten things you should not do when you are trying to build muscle, to help you avoid looking like the twiggy folks on those womens’ magazine covers.

1. Doing too many isolation exercises

How good an exercise is directly relates to the time it takes you to get adapted to it.  No matter what you do, with enough time and enough weight you will build muscle.  The thing is that while this is true, some exercise are a lot more effective at building muscle than others.  Scientifically speaking, this relates to something called the ‘scale of motor unit recruitment’.  This is really a fancy way of talking about how a given movement activates the various tissues in muscle.  Cam and pulley exercises use less body fibres than things like dumbbell lifting because of the way their mechanics relate to the body’s natural design.  The closer an exercise is to something our monkey ancestors would have needed to get by, the more likely it is to be recruiting the most motor units possible.

Imagine carrying a dead gazelle back to the cave for dinner – that would be a great muscle-building exercise.  Using free weights is exponentially more effective than doing single-movement machine exercises.  Getting big is about doing chins, dips, squats and deadlifts rather than triceps kickbacks or cable crossovers.

2. Spending too much time on the machines

Since we discussed scale of motor unit recruitment, this is a great point that expands on it.  Sitting on the machines every day of the week is going to leave you growing much slower than if you spent some time doing chin-ups.

3. Buying into the bulking up myths

Back in the days of Arnold and Sergio, it was normal to bulk up in the off-season and cut up after.  Besides the fact that adding tons of fat is bad for your health, bulking up just doesn’t do anything towards achieving your fitness and physique goals.

You want to know why? Here’s six reasons:

#1 Reason bulking is no good

Bulking-up diet programs won’t help you build muscle anymore than ingesting an ideal amount of nutrients. Sorry, but it’s simply not possible to force additional muscle growth by overfeeding.

Bulking up does not somehow magically cause the body to create more muscle.  You can keep adding food to your diet, but anything in excess of an ideal amount of nutrients will not

#2 Reason bulking is no good

Because you develop an insulin resistance from bulking up, building muscle is harder in the long run.  Carbohydrates preferentially go to fat stores rather than muscle when bulking up.

#3 Reason bulking is no good

Insulin resistance is hard to reverse which means bulking up will make it more difficult to get lean.  Each pound of fat you bulk on is a little bit more difficulty you will have getting lean again.  This is especially true for female bodybuilders, as it is generally much harder for women to achieve competition body-fat levels.

#4 Reason bulking is no good

When you get fat, your body produces aromatase enzyme.  In extreme cases, you can think of being fat as self-castration due to the fact that your testosterone gets converted into estrogen (as in female hormones) which can cause some bad side-effects.  If you want to start bra shopping with your girlfriend and actually need to buy something yourself, bulking will get you there.

#5 Reason bulking is no good

Fat messes with how effectively your thyroid can produce hormones – further hampering your ability to lose fat.  T4 and T3, the metabolically active forms of thyroid, get converted at very low rates as your abdominal wall gets fatter.

#6 Reason bulking is no good

As your body fat percentage gets lower, your body is better able to do what is called nutrient partitioning.  This is a fancy way of saying that skinny people are better at building muscle from digested food than fat people.  When your body has less fat, the body is better at storing nutrients as glycogen in the muscle tissue and building more muscle.  Muscle begets muscle, and fat begets fat.

#7 Reason bulking is no good

All calories are not created alike.  You can eat 500 calories of lean beef, and 500 calories of fried twinkies.  Which one is going to build muscle?  Not the twinkies.  Not to mention, being fat increases your chances of death from just about everything from heart attacks to bank robberies.  Large targets are easier to hit!

4. Doing too much non-gym calorie burning

Basketball, dancing and running on the beach are fine for cardio, but you can’t build muscle doing that stuff.  In the words of 1972 olympian Al Schoterman:

The Phases of Rest

Never run when you can walk

Never walk when you can get a ride

Never stand when you can sit

Never sit when you can lie down

Never lie down when you can go to sleep

5. Doing too few reps

Relative-strength protocols are great for training the nervous system to do high load lifting, but not the most direct route to hypertrophy.  If you alternate your cycles of 9-12 reps with cycles of 4-8, you will build muscle more quickly.

6. Not drinking post-workout shakes

Post-workout shakes are critical for gaining mass.  Protein synthesis rate and muscle growth can be doubled by consuming protein immediately after your workout.  University of Connecticut researchers studied post-workout protein and carb shakes cause an increase in testosterone receptors.  A good ratio is 4 grams of carbs per gram of protein, and one gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.  A good solution is Quadricarb.

It is also good to have a post-workout glutamine supplement as this helps with muscle recover and will speed up resynthesis of glycogen and glutamine – critical in creating an anabolic environment while keeping you from being overtrained.  Glycine and Primal Greens are good for lowering post-workout cortisol.

7. Not keeping hydrated

Most people do not drink enough water.  Higher cortisol output is a result of dehydration, which leads to an increase in oxydative stress on the brain and increased fat storage.  Drinking 0.6-0.7 fluid ounces of water per pound of bodyweight is a good rule to go by to remain hydrated.  Filling the day’s water bottles ahead of time is a great way to make sure you drink enough water as it is easy to see if you have any left to drink at the end of the day.  You will likely find that you’ve only been drinking 40% of the water you have been needing all along.  Clear urine that is odorless is a good indicator of proper hydration.  If your pee looks like lemonade, you’re not drinking enough.

8. Guzzling energy drinks

Cortisol is increased by stimulants.  That’s not a big deal if you’re drinking an energy drink on the way to the gym to help get you amped.  However when you are done working out the stimulants have to go.  If you drink coffee all day long, your progress will be limited on the bench.

9. Not getting enough sleep

Just like with losing fat, not getting enough sleep can disrupt muscle gain.  When you are sleep-deprived you have lower androgen and growth hormone levels which kills your potential to build muscle.

10. Not eating enough protein

If you have 200 pounds of lean body mass, 300 grams of protein a day is the minimum, and 400 grams of protein would be even better.  You will eventually hit a ceiling of lean body mass that cannot be topped until protein intake is increased to 2 grams per pound of body weight.  If you handle carbs well, the protein requirement is not as high.  Everyone is unique.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Top 10 Muscle Building Foods for Maximum Results

We all want to learn how to build muscle fast and quickly. Professional bodybuilders such as Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman keep telling us that we need to eat big if we want to look big. But the real question in this regard is what does that really mean? Does it mean going high on pound servings or stopping at the local drive in and ordering everything on the menu? Some would beg to differ.

Fact of the matter is that eating big refers to eating big portions of the right quantity of food. Gulping down five cheese burgers does not count. The ideal food should include two to six nutritious split meals that need to be consumed daily. Every bodybuilder’s aim should be to eat around 34-40 grams of protein a day combined with the right amount of carbohydrates. If you think proteins are going to be enough, you need to be advised about the benefits of carbs and how they help metabolism rates of the body so as to enable muscles to grow effectively. The best way to get the most effectual results would be to stick to a meal plan that is rich in proteins as well as carbs in a ratio of 2:1. Here is our list of the top ten muscle building foods that will give you a ripped and stunning body.

1. Salmon

Around six ounces of salmon is well capable of providing the body with 34g of proteins to help build muscle. Additionally, it contains 4g of Omega3 fatty acids that curtail muscle inflammation so as to aid muscle-tissue repairs and at the same time control the cortisol levels of the body. The Omega3 acids of the salmon also helps carry the glucose consumed directly to the muscles instead of bodyfat cells.

2. Lean Beef

There is a common misconception that meats such as lean beef add body fat instead of muscle. Fact of the matter is that lean beef is a rich dietary fat which contains Omega3 fatty acids similar to that of fish. The saturated fat of beef advocates body growth and is responsible for developing glucose in the muscles. However, what needs to be understood is that saturated fat needs to be consumed in its right quantities. Too much of it can lead to unneeded fat deposits and too little can compromise the development of testosterone which is essential for encouraging hormonal growth.

3. Eggs

It is a proven fact and has been nutritionally recommended that eggs serve the body with the precise amount of protein it needs. In fact, eggs should be on the top of this list due to the fact that is the best soluble protein that is absorbed by the body instantaneously. The core function of eggs is to regulate the breakup of food into amino acids and help the body grow. What needs to be understood is that eggs need to be combined with the right amount of exercise so as to avoid any cholesterol problems.

4. Whole Milk

Athletes and body builders around the world have been able to get lean muscles due to the fact that they consume whole milk and not skim or fat-free milk. Basic studies show that sixteen ounces of whole milk provide sixteen grams of protein and sixteen grams of fat. Whole milk has been known to regulate the anabolic conditions of the body and thereby make sure that muscle-tissue breakdown does not occur. Additionally, the fat found in whole milk has been proven to help reduce the risk of cancer as the body has a high absorption rate for Vitamin D.

5. Apple Juice

One of the biggest challenges that body builders experience is the irony of working out at a gym that tears open their muscles. While one can reap its benefits at a later stage, it is quintessential that the body be taken care of after a workout. The muscles need to regain its shape and structure itself adequately. This is where apple juice comes in and helps provide the much needed carbohydrates that will help provide an energy boost capable of lasting for hours. Fifteen ounces of apple juice provides up to fifty grams of carbs that is more than enough for the body to balance itself.

6. White Bread

Eating foods that are rich in fiber and are nutritious are the most sought after ways to help the body grow. White bread in this manner is the best food that one can consume after a workout. It has a fairly high digestive rate and is perfect for replenishing the body’s lost energy. It also helps restock lost glycogen levels and regulates the control of insulin which is necessary to build muscle.

7. Pasta

While there are a lot of people that would want to skip out pasta as part of their meal, there have been others that have sought it as a quintessential muscle building food. We all know that in order to build up a muscle rich body, we need to consume enough amounts of carbohydrates. Pasta in this regard proves to fit the bill perfectly. One cup of well prepared pasta provides the body with 45g of carbohydrates which is perfect for the body to grow. Weight trainers would want to skip any cheese accompaniments.

8. Yogurt

Natural yoghurt, either whole or skimmed, found in local stores is a perfect coolant for the body. Not many people know this but yoghurt contains something called ‘good bacteria’ which help eliminate the body’s bad bacteria out of its colon. Yoghurt when passing through the gastrointestinal tract helps remove any unwanted inflammatory agents that reduce the body’s capability to grow. Basically, what this means is; a cleaner stomach would be capable of absorbing more nutrients and thereby regulate muscle growth.

9. Garlic

Over the years, garlic has been one of those herbs that has passed down generations in being able to offer health remedies for a number of problems. The question on everyone’s mind is how can a herb that has no protein or carbs or fat help? What we do not know is that garlic is responsible for the changes in our body’s hormonal levels. Eating carbs and proteins helps the body to grow in terms of getting big. But if the hormonal levels of the body aren’t maintained, it would not encourage growth. This is where garlic steps in and helps augment the body’s augmented state. Stir fried chopped up garlic with beef, salmon or chicken is the ultimate anabolic addiction.

10. Olive Oil

There has been a lot of discussion about a body’s capability to react to olive oil for mass growth. Fact of the matter is that the consumption of foods cooked with olive oil has been discussed so much that it has been researched and proven to reduce rates of bodily inflammation. Olive oil also happens to be high in healthy fats that are required by the body to maintain its anabolic state.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

The “Plafaux” Effect, “Resetting”, & New Muscle Gains

No-one is immune to this. Not even me.

Every now and then we need to “reset” in order to start experiencing meaningful gains again.

What do I mean by “reset“?

There usually comes a time in your training when you experience a false plateau (“plafaux” anyone?).

But how can a training plateau be fake?

Simply because you’re actually lifting the incorrect weight for your strength.

You’ve been too keen to increase the loads you’re lifting and have introduced bad form into many of your exercises. For example, you’re:

not using a full range of motionusing way too much momentumnot performing the negative under muscular controlusing a cadence that’s just too fast.

So you’ve been merrily going along, fooling yourself into thinking that your progressions in strength are just that; genuine progressions in strength.

But although you were probably getting a little stronger, much of these increased loads were as a result of introducing bad form in one of its guises.

But your sins will soon catch up with you!

After a few months you get stuck at a certain weight and can’t break past it :( . Perhaps you even start to backslide and seem to lose strength for a time.

What you should do is have someone look at your form, or do it yourself. I find that periodically filming myself helps with this more than anything else.

If you notice something wrong with your form, it’s time to reset!

This is actually a good thing. People that need to reset in a certain lift almost always experience NEW gains in strength and size. Their training had been so ineffective that they were simply maintaining the muscle mass they had. The strength progressions were actually phony; only by resetting can they sort it out.

By resetting they once again recruit and stimulate all the fibers of the muscle in question. Like I said in my last article “9 Ways To Get Your Traps To Grow“, the first thing they’ll notice is that the body part gets sore again for the first time in ages.

Subsequent strength progressions are then REAL and GENUINE. The trainee can have confidence that since strength and size correlate positively, new size gains are in the bag! :D


Easy, reduce the weight. Since you may have added too much weight in an effort to accelerate results and introduced bad form in order to move those weights, you simply need to reduce the load.

But note: This is not a backwards step!

Since you are going to be training to the limits of your REAL levels of strength, this should be seen as a step forward (even though you might bruise your ego a little from the decreased numbers). But you just need to get over it. You’re in this game to transform your body, not to boast about loads.


It’s impossible to say with absolute certainty, but I recommend you start with a 10% drop in load and see how you go.

So for someone squatting 150kg and hitting a “plafaux”, try 135kg next week. If dumbbell curling 25Kg, try 22.5kg.

spinlock dumbbells

That’s one of the reasons I like using dumbbells with spinlocks that allow me to fine tune the loads I’m lifting. I can increase loads by as little as 0.5kg if I wish. This ensures those small, incremental gains over time.

Resetting is the very thing that will allow you to start progressing again and make the kind of gains you’ve been looking for!

On the other hand, if you believe you’ve hit a genuine plateau, ask yourself the following:

 Is your diet crappy? Are you getting enough protein to support the repair of your muscle tissue?

 Are you resting enough between sets?

 Are you ignoring certain lifts? When hitting one body part, other muscles are called into action to support the lift. If they are lagging behind, it’ll hamper your progress. A good example of an ignored lift is deadlifts; don’t skip them.

 Are you taking a week off every now and then to allow for full systemic recovery?

 Is there enough rest between body parts? If you hit a muscle with several sets to failure and attempt to hit it again within a few days and expect a progression, you’ll probably fail. I’ve tried it. Many others have too. That’s why a traditional 5-day split protocol works very well indeed.

 If you haven’t already, is it time to start supplementing with creatine monohydrate?

 Are you using the THT Exercise Bank to vary your workouts? While changing your routine too often is actually a bad move, there is a time to change things up. However, use only the best exercises for each body part, and only swap a compound movement for another compound movement, and an isolation exercise for another isolation exercise. Let the THT Exercise Bank take care of this for you.

 Are you switching between THT Volume 1, Volume 2, and HIT routines every 10 weeks?

So whether it’s a “plafaux” or a plateau, you now know what to do to SMASH through it and experience new GAINS in both strength and size.

Train With 100% Intensity!


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View the original article here

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The MuscleHack Philosophy

I’ve decided to update my ‘About Page‘ since it’s been a while!

So what I want to do in this post is give an overview of the MuscleHack philosophy, link to important articles, and also give some background knowledge on myself for newcomers to the site.

MuscleHack is a natural bodybuilding & fat loss website.

MuscleHack is the home of THT training – Targeted Hypertrophy Training. THT is the free workout program developed by MuscleHack owner and operator Mark McManus (more on the author a little later). THT is incredibly effective at packing on new slabs of muscle. It’s not uncommon for newcomers to swear that they’ll never train another way again after just a few short weeks!

What I promote and am passionate about is LEAN gains in muscle mass i.e. adding muscle WITHOUT adding fat, which IS possible.

On the other end of the spectrum I believe in shredding unwanted fat without having to sacrifice your hard-earned muscle. This is also very possible and has been done by thousands of my readers around the world.

Progress in the bodybuilding and fat loss game should be assured. This isn’t a guessing game. You SHOULD succeed. MuscleHack will give you the tools.

Here’s a short summary of the philosophy of “MuscleHacking”:

 The best bodybuilding workouts for the natural trainee are short in duration but high in intensity

 Cardio is not necessary when on a bulking phase of training

 You CAN stay lean while “bulking”

 You CAN keep your muscle while cutting

 Both full-body workouts and 5-day splits work!

 Both compound and isolation exercises are a requirement for optimal development

 Basic high intensity training with a focus on progressive overload will always yield the best results

I honestly believe that one of the best things you can do right now for your success is to give up bodybuilding magazines for good! They do not have your best interests at heart and are solely concerned with selling you crap you don’t need. Much of the info contained in these publications will hinder, not accelerate, your success.

Here are the MuscleHack  Programs and their Purpose Summarized:

 THT Training - The ’Build Muscle’ workout program for EVERYONE! Men and women of all ages! Grab your 100% FREE copy by inputting your name and email at the top right of this page.

 Total Six Pack Abs – The RAPID cutting program for anyone wanting to AGGRESSIVELY cut fat. This program is not just a diet but also a full-body workout, as well as anything else you ever wanted to know about fat loss. The goal is not just getting ripped, but keeping, if not building, muscle in the process!

 The Arms Blast Experiment - Want Bigger Arms In a RIDICULOUSLY Short Period of Time? Based on
the results of an online experiment I conducted, you could gain almost an inch in the next 7 days

Here are the MuscleHack Bodybuilding Diets:

 MANS – This is a cyclical ketogenic diet. The purpose is to add lean mass ONLY, not fat gains. MANS is not a cutting diet (see this post for the differences between MANS and Total Six Pack Abs).

 GLAD – A higher carb diet ensuring you eat slow-release (or low-glycemic load) carbs. As with MANS, this is a bulking diet with the purpose of adding lean mass only.

Let me restate this again because I get emails about it all the time. MANS and GLAD are not cutting diets. Total Six Pack Abs is the ONLY program I have created for those specifically wanting to obliterate fat!

Where To Begin

So you want to get started and build some serious muscle? Firstly, you NEED to download the FREE ebook “THT Training”. This book contains the best workout for muscle growth around: Targeted Hypertrophy Training. Simply add your name and email in the box up there at the top of the sidebar and you’ll get it. You won’t be spammed and you can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time.

For the latest tips on muscle building and fat loss go the blog. For access to all the articles ever published check out the archives. If you have an RSS reader, be sure to subscribe by RSS for the latest free tips.

About The Author

This site is run by Mark McManus, a 30 yr old Exercise Professional. Mark is the only person who writes for MuscleHack. There is a DEFINITE philosophy here with no conflicting ideas or messages put out to you, the reader.

My Story (The Short Version)

I’ve made many many mistakes along the way in this game; mistakes that you don’t have to repeat! When I first got started my goal was simple; build muscle quickly!

I just lifted and ate everything in sight! After a couple of years of this approach I started to get sick of the belly fat I had gained and wanted rid of it. My body fat percentage was increasing and I knew I had to do something about it. I have never been really fat in my life; my best guess is that I had a body fat percentage of around 22% at my peak. Not a good look on a naturally ectomorphic frame; the fat goes straight to the gut and hardly anywhere else!

I tried haphazardly eating less and going for the odd run or cycle, but my attempts at losing fat weren’t very scientific and consequently my results were poor i.e. I’d lose fat, (a little fat) but I’d also lose some muscle (far too much muscle in my opinion).

I tried low fat diets but they only caused me to lose fat in small amounts and again, I’d lose muscle along with it. Also, results were frustratingly slow; sometimes less than 1 pound per week, sometimes none at all! I knew there had to be a better way to burn fat and obtain the body I desired.

All that changed when I decided that I was going to sculpt six-pack abs no matter what. I was determined to find the single most efficient strategy for losing fat and building muscle mass. After years of research I finally reached my conclusions and created my strategy. And it’s one I’ve been fine-tuning and sharing ever since.

As I state on my homepage, here’s my promise to you:

I will NEVER sell out.I will NEVER recommend a product I don’t personally believe in.I will NEVER share your email address with ANYONE.I will NEVER try to sell you something you don’t need.I WILL keep the vast majority of the work I do FREE of charge.

I can also reveal now that I am working on a new program specifically to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. I’ve been looking into this seriously for almost a year and testing on myself and a few friends. In my opinion, the research coupled with my experience is pretty conclusive – it is possible! :D

However, it is more complex than straight bulking or cutting and must be adopted to each individual. For this reason I won’t be writing a book about it, but will take on personal clients to design the program specifically for them (or possibly a membership site).

I hope to be starting this in late 2011 or early 2012.

If you have questions and want FREE help and advice,  join our friendly community at the MuscleHack Facebook page and/or the bodybuilding forum.

I love my life and I think it’s everyone’s right to love theirs too. A large part of this is physical vitality and feeling good about how your body looks. MuscleHack content can take care of this for you!

Mark’s work has been featured in the following among others:

Train With Intensity!


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The MuscleHack PhilosophyPraise for – Testimonials From ReadersMuscleHack Testimonial: I Lost Fat & Gained Muscle On MANSThe Future Of MuscleHack – Be A Part Of It!The Best Of MuscleHack

View the original article here