Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tips To Becoming A Major Muscle Gainer - How To Build Muscle Fast

Looking to learn how to become a major muscle gainer? In order to become a muscle gainer you have to think like a muscle gainer and start making changes to the way that you live your everyday life.

So many guys make the mistake of thinking that if they get their workout and diet plan in line, they will automatically start building up a very high amount of lean muscle mass. But, if the truth is told, it's only when you get all elements of your life working in your favor that you really become a major muscle gainer.

While you may gain some muscle just with the diet and workout alone, if other factors are influencing your progress, you're not optimizing your results.

And, if you're putting in all that time and effort in the gym, don't you want to be maximizing the payoff? Of course you do, which is why you must follow these tips to become a major muscle gainer.

Take Sleep Seriously

First things first, if you really want to become a muscle gainer, you must take your sleep seriously. If you think that you can grow on only five or six hours of sleep, you had better think again.

Remember, sleep is the primary time when your body is going to be releasing all those growth hormones in the body that help you take your body to a new level.

In addition to that, sleep is also the primary time when the body is releasing natural growth hormone, which is key to packing on more lean muscle mass tissue. If you aren't getting enough sleep at night there's a good chance you won't be recovering from your workout sessions and then instead of entering the gym each workout stronger than you were last time, you'll just be entering weaker than you were before.

Get eight hours - minimum. It will really pay off long-term in the results that you see.

Reduce Your Stress

Second, the next thing that you must do is take steps to reduce your stress level. Stress is going to cause a hormone called cortisol to be released in the body and when it is, this can actually encourage muscle breakdown.

In addition to that, cortisol will promote the accumulation of abdominal body fat, so unless you want to sport excess body fat as you go about your bulking period, it's best to minimize stress whenever possible.


Third, relax! If you're the nervous, fidgety type, it's time that you get a hold of this. These types of individuals - high-strung people who always must be moving, will burn off hundreds more calories each and every day than a regular person would.

If this is you, it's going to be that much more difficult to meet your daily calorie requirements, therefore making it even harder to move forward in the right direction. Learn to relax and you will finally start seeing the muscle gains that you're after.

Periodically Change Your Program

Finally, the last thing to remember to be a muscle gainer is to change your program periodically. Even the best of bodybuilders do not follow the same workout year-round, so neither should you. The program you use should be designed in phases so that at various points in time you're mixing up the type of stress you put on the muscle tissues.

This will not only help to keep you from hitting a plateau, but it's also going to make your workouts that much more interesting as well so that you stay with them over the long-term. So there you have all the main things to remember as you go about your workout program and diet. If you want to be a muscle gainer, you had better get all of these in line and working for you.

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