Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Teen Muscle Building - 3 Tips to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle Now

There are a lot of teen muscle building tips online, but like all other bodybuilding tips, most are garbage. Here are 3 guideline to help you get ripped NOW:

#1) Eat more often

There's a popular myth floating around that the way to get ripped is to restrict you're the amount of food you eat. This supposedly reduces your body fat and therefore improves your physique.

Sounds logical--but NOT true

Eating less is not the answer-it might even give you MORE body fat. Eating MORE FREQUENTLY-but not necessarily more in quantity-is the way to go.

Eating 5-7 times a day is ideal because it keeps the metabolism flowing more smoothly. If you can't reach this amount than just try eating at least 4 times.

#2) Restrict protein intake

Sure some is necessary-but you don't need 100 grams a day... or whatever ridiculous number most teen muscle building tips recommend.

Too much protein creates MORE body fat

This is why many people have the frustrating experience of eating red meat, eggs, fish, and protein shakes all day long--and getting fatter.

Also MAKE SURE you get it from whole food sources-this is mandatory. This protein is far superior in quality to anything you get from processed foods or supplements.

#3) Get plenty of rest

A lot of people don't realize the impact of sleep-but it's IMPERATIVE you get 8 hours a night. The more time you sleep, the more energy you have-and the better your workout performance will be.

Decide how much muscle you want to gain in pounds-and write it down. Knowing it in your head is NOT enough.

Why not?

Because writing it down-preferably with a pencil and paper-ingrains it in your subconscious, and you almost can't help but get closer to your goals as a result. Implement these teen muscle building tips and you will get results soon.

Tired of exercises that don't work? Discover the scientific way to gain 20 pounds of rock hard muscle WITHOUT drugs or supplements by visiting http://www.gethugemusclesnow.info.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tips on How to Lose Stomach Fat

Eating right is part of the abs building process, avoiding that is as good as not hoping for six pack abs. Almost every thing you hear about abs building and the various tips on how to lose stomach fat will require you to eat just enough as well as eating the right kind of stuff. So what exactly should you know about eating?

If you still can't see any abs after months of training, chances are they're hiding right behind the layer of fat in your stomach! And since you can not turn fats into muscles, you'll have to work extra hard to burn them off instead. Therefore your approach to abs building should be to burn them off first before putting in the definition for that six pack abs.

How? An easy way is to eat just below your daily calorie requirements, because once your body don't have enough calorie intake to upkeep your daily activity, they'll turn those stored fats into energy instead. However, what you do not want to do is to overdo it, because by doing so it will put you severely under nourished and your body might think you're starving constantly, and thus slow down your metabolism rate.

Here is how you can get a flatter stomach:

1. Get your exact daily calorie requirements figure, there are many metabolic rate calculator available over the internet. This is imperative as you must know how much calorie you need to upkeep your current lifestyle, or how much you need to take in daily to actually promote fat burning.

2. When you get your number, then you want to just eat slightly below your required number. For example if you need about 2500 calorie a day, eat around 2100-2300, this will help accelerate your fat burning process, while not undermining your metabolism rate.

3. Change your eating habits. If you need about 2100 so that you can start the fat burning process, divide it into 5-6 small meals a day. This will help maintain a steady sugar level and energy throughout the day, you don't overeat, and you also won't feel hungry all the time!

Lastly, opt for unprocessed food because that's how it was suppose to be eaten in the first place! Process food can contain unwanted fats and thus gaining you more weight instead. Try eating more fruits instead of drinking fruit juices.

Eating right is part and parcel of abs building, if you want learn how to build abs [http://www.build6packsabs.com] quick, you'll need a solid and well balance meal plans to complement with your workout routines. If you're looking for a guide, read the truth about abs review here, which is currently the most popular six pack abs workout program available.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Amino Acid Body Building - 2 Tips To Improve Muscle Tone

Wonder how some of those sportsmen and some body builders appear so carved with well defined muscles? Well, many factors are at play in order to create a toned physique and amino acid method of body building is a practice that pumps up athletes. Amino acids are generally known as building blocks in the body in general terms but actually they are molecular building block that can create proteins.

Protein is the most needed component that creates a strong healthy muscle and that is the reason many athletes in tough and strength trainings will want to use amino acids body building, most usually in form of diet supplements and pumping weights. This also aids in the health of the nails, hair, tendons, ligaments, central nervous systems and also how the muscle retains water for strength and elasticity.

1. Reasons for using the Supplement

Most body building men discovered that without the needed amino acid in the system, the body tries to feed on the muscle when faced with problem of low energy. This leads to the interest in amino acid for body building in order to make sure that the body has fuel to develop muscle than feeding on it.

Some serious body building men take amino acid supplement in form of protein shakes or pills right after tough muscle workout. That moment in time gives an unique opportunity in order to take amino acids into the body so that muscles have optimal flow of blood and is amenable to all nutrients. It?s this timing that takes an athlete to get to know why amino acids in body building are important.

2. Some Popular Supplements

Glutamine is the most popular and publicized in amino acids used for body building since it is available in the muscle and is also known to promote growth of muscle. Arginine is also another one amino acid which is useful to the amino acids for body building . This amino acid in particular kicks the growth hormone in the body and also helps in regulating the metabolism in the muscle, and also builds bulk. Fat will decrease while the connective tissues, cartilages and bones strengthen under these building practices.

Some supplements are very important as nowadays people are not watching their diet and are not getting enough of protein, which means low amino acid intake. Without these body building blocks called amino acids, you will become weaker and may lose the muscle tone. So therefore, stick to the amino acid bodybuilding and you surely will discover that the muscles will not just get the working out but also that they grow larger, hence creating the body builders sign of a carved muscles.

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great Body Building Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 85 Page Ebook, "Ultimate Body Building And Fitness!" from his website http://www.Fitness-Magic.com/70/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

3 Effective Tips on How to Tone Your Stomach

Finding the right exercise for toning your stomach may be difficult but through years of experience, I have discovered three key exercises to aid you to tone your stomach. These are by no means the only available effective exercise out there but these three are what I find the most effective.

How to Tone Your Stomach

1. Ab Rollers.

These I think are the most effective, and one of the hardest stomach exercises out there. You can do this with a dumbbell or you can buy an actual roller in the market. It would probably cost you just below $100. The effort to roll your body back and forth is just excruciating. Doing around 3 sets of 5 repetitions will actually do.

For this exercise to be effective though, you must make sure not to cheat and only your foot and the dumbbell or the roller should touch the ground. Do this for about a month and watch as your tummy tightens.

2. Squats.

Yes squats. This might be surprising to some of you but if you ask seasoned weight lifter, he will tell you how important his stomach muscles are for when he is doing his squats. They act as stabilizer muscles that makes sure your core is nice and tight.

For starters, you don't actually need to lift tremendous amounts of weight. You can probably even do squats without the actual barbell and feel the pressure building on your stomach. Doing around 3 sets of 10 repetitions will do.

As your stomach tightens however, you might want to consider actually doing squats with a barbell.

3. Flex and tighten.

This actually goes not only for abs but for all your muscles. Right after your workout, it will really help to stretch those muscles and flex them. Think of it just like a hot metal that you can bend and shape it to whatever shape you like. Once this metal cools down, it would be next to impossible to bend them without the aid of some machine.

Same goes for muscles. If you flex them constantly and at the right time, they will take on the shape you want them to. Not to mention that this actually reduces risks of injury or cramped muscles.

So there you go. Three simple tips on how to tone your stomach. Follow these religiously over a span of three months and you will be surprised with the benefits.

Visit http://howtotonestomach.com for more information about how to tone your stomach.

Also check out the Lose Your Belly Fat E-book which I consider the most effective resource out there in the internet.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Building Muscle Tips - How to Perform Slow Reps on Weight Training Machines

If you are thinking of weight training but think that heavy duty weight training might be too hard on your joints, depending upon how old you are and what condition you are in, this could be true. That's why you might be able to benefit from slow rep exercises instead. Weight training that is done slowly and still has controlled and intense movements is going to be a lot easier on your joints, will actually be tougher on your muscles, which will help them grow and it will also add a little cardio benefit as well.

You should get yourself an exercise notebook so you can keep track of your progress. A lot of people forget to do this and they think it's silly but the fact is your body doesn't want to change so keeping track is a good incentive to keep you going. When you start seeing the results down on paper it helps to motivate you.

When you decide on a program to go with on the weight training machine you should try and pick about eight different exercises that are going to work the upper and lower parts of your body. This is the kind of workout you should do at least twice a week with a few special cardo sessions included between those two workout days. Don't alternate the body parts and do a lot of sessions during the week, this is only counter productive. You need to remember that it's not the actual workout that's important, it's the recovery time that you give your body that counts most in building the muscle. If you train every day you do not give your body the time it needs to repair itself and grow new muscle.

You will next need to figure out just how slow you want to perform your eight exercises. With each rep you have a positive portion as well as a negative portion of each exercise. Your first part of the motion is at the start and that is the positive and then returning to the original position is the negative. You should make the time for each portion anywhere from 3 seconds to 10 seconds. In other words each part of a rep should be say about 3 seconds each.

After you have figured out how slow you want your reps to be you should then set the amount of weight that you think you can do for say 10 seconds each half of the rep. It can be less but it should be for longer so that if you know you can hold it 10 seconds then there is no doubt you can do it for less time. When you do start your exercise remember to breathe at all times it does you know good to hold your breath when you are performing your reps.

You should start off by doing 5 to 8 reps of each of your exercise or until you reach that point where you know your muscles cannot take anymore and this is called the muscle failure point. If however, you are able to go past 8 reps then you know right away that you have the weights too light and you will need to adjust until you reach that muscle failure.

For more free Building Muscle Information download Jack's Free Building Muscle & Weight Gain Information Pack at http://www.free-muscle-building-info.com and join thousands of other people successfully building muscle.

For other free information on a variety of issues please visit http://www.free-info-site.com

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Discover The Best And Easy Guide To Gain Weight and Muscle

In the present era, although there are many programs to gain weight and muscle, most of them do not teach the natural way to do it. If you are really motivated to look healthier naturally and to gain weight and muscle optimally, then it is best to primarily opt for the following four crucial steps that are covered in this guide.

Step 1: Select Balanced Diet for Weight Gain

The diet to gain weight and muscle does not necessarily pertain to eating lot of fats but it normally refers to consuming more energy in relation to the amount that is spent by your body. The diet to gain weight and muscle should be compromised of not only nutritious but also high calorie food. The most essential component here is protein and the recommended daily allowance of protein uptake should be 0.8 per kg of body weight.

Good sources of protein are lean red meat, chicken, turkey, low fat milk and yoghurt, low fat cottage cheese, egg white, canned fish, soy products and many others. In addition, in diet to gain weight and muscle the carbohydrates and fats also should be consumed in balanced form. The good source of carbohydrates are whole meal bread, potatoes, brown rice, pasta and etc. Fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 should be taken. These include tuna, salmon and flaxseed oil.

Step 2: Start with Lifting Heavy Weights

Once you have developed optimal control over your calories then you have to initiate the prime workout of lifting heavy weights to gain weight and muscle. This will give you dual benefit, gaining your desired muscle and losing the amount of excess fat that you have gained.

However, there are few important points that you have to consider while doing the work out. Opt for longer recovery periods. There's no point in training if you are not fully recovered. To avoid injuries make use of spotters when lifting weights. Subsequently you can introduce carrying out the cardio but ensure to keep it at the required maintenance level just 2 to 3 cardio in week will be optimum to keep your heart in good shape, choose a program that is specifically for the full body.

Step 3: Choose the Perfect Kind of Workout

The workout to gain weight and muscle covers many options from strength training to cardio and yoga workouts. The strength training workouts offer the ways to develop lean muscle tissue and get stronger. These will include the routine for the complete body. Then, there are cardio workouts which are essentially for conditioning the heart. These incorporate a variety of activities to keep body fit and engage the mind.

Yoga is considered to be the most unique exercise for flexibility to gain weight and muscle. Yoga is specifically for the body and mind exercise to reduce the stress. In addition, to gain weight and muscle for optimal result, balance the exercises for lower body, chest, backs, shoulders, abs, biceps and triceps.

Step 4: Opt for the Essential Supplements

It is not only best for your health but also to optimally gain weight and muscle to primarily opt for the basic supplements. These include the multiple vitamins clubbed with mineral formula. Moreover, you have to consume 3 grams of vitamin C which has to be divided in three equal portions and taken in three serving's day round. Then 200 mcg of chromium picolinate is to be taken.

Last but not least go for the essential fatty acids like flaxseed, fish and virgin olive oils. In addition, glutamine and creatine are recommended. It is even good to look out for the vital and natural testosterone boosters in order to gain weight and muscle. Thus, today with existence of innumerable knowledge resources the tedious process to gain weight and muscle has become comparatively an easy option for everyone.

Danesh is an expert writer on gaining weight and build muscle. Watch this free presentation to see why 97% of all bodybuilding advice is dead wrong at www.buildmuscleguide.com [http://www.buildmuscleguide.com]

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't Know How to Eat to Gain Weight in Muscle? Learn How Today

Learning how to eat to gain muscle is a must for anyone trying to pack on the beef. Your diet plays such a huge role on how much muscle you will gain. You will not gain weight if you are not on the right diet plan and you will not gain muscle if you do not have an exercise plan. So in order to gain weight in muscle you will need both a meal plan and exercise program, but to get started I will explain how you will need to eat in order to gain muscle.

First Rule: Eat More Frequently

The biggest mistake I see when people are trying to gain muscle is eating only 3 large meals a day. Yes, it true that there will be a lot of calories and protein in each meal, but what most people do not know is your body can only absorb a certain amount of calories and protein per meal. With that said your body will store what it did not absorb as unwanted fat or cause bloating. So in order to maximize your muscle building abilities and lower your chances of gaining to much fat you should break up your meals into smaller portions eating 5-6 times a day.

Second Rule: Eating Enough Calories

Another huge mistake that I notice with people trying to gain weight in muscle is that they are not eating enough daily calories. You could be on the best exercise program in the world, but if you do not eat enough calories you will never gain muscle size. This is the main reason why most people trying to gain weight never do. What you need to do is keep track of what you are eating by reading the labels on boxes and writing down how many calories you are getting.

These two rules are just the beginning of learning how to gain weight in muscle but should help you get an ideal of what you should be doing.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Five Weight Training Tips to Pump Up Those Muscles

To get the results you seek from lifting weights, you have to use good form and proper technique. You must also allow your muscles plenty of time to develop. Allow at least four months to get that pumped up look, that is four months of consistent effort toward achieving your muscle gain goals. With determination and perseverance, you will get that chiseled look you seek. Here are five weight training tips to help you out.

If you are new to weight training, do not rush into the gym and start throwing around weights until you know what you are doing. Seek advice from a staff member on the correct technique to use and the routine that would work best for you. Ask them for some weight training tips that will help you get quick results and spare you from injury.

Keeping records of your progress is a good idea too. After each session, write down the weights you used, the exercises, and the weights. This will help you track your progress and tweak your weight training plan.

1. Set Goals: Create realistic short term and long-term goals. These will help keep you motivated to hit the gym and make progress. Goals keep you focused on achieving the end result, which is building up those muscles to whatever limit you have set for yourself.

When you achieve a short-term goal, have a celebration, then head back to the gym and keep plugging away towards your end goal. Having many easily achievable short phase goals along the way will motivate you to train hard.

Work backwards from your end goal to help you determine your mini-goals. For example, if you hope to gain 50 pounds in a year from weight training, then set a goal to gain five pounds in your first month.

2. Vow To Succeed: Failure is often the result of lack of commitment. It is hard to be enthused and committed to a weight training program if you are not sure you are on the right track. Pick out a weight training program that lays out everything for you systematically and follow it faithfully until you arrive at your goal.

Be sure to select a muscle-add program that is in alignment with your goals. It shouldn't be difficult to find one. It will save you the work of plotting everything out yourself, plus you can be assured it will work as long as you stick to it and follow the instructions.

3. Learning: For the most effective workout, learn all you can about bodybuilding and how exercises affect your muscles. Knowledge is power when it comes to getting ripped muscles. There is much to learn and most people have no idea how to go about it. Becoming knowledgeable could mean the difference between having a sculpted body at the end of six months and barely being able to see any progress. Sources of information are readily available in books, on the internet, and in weight training courses put together by experts.

4. Proper Technique: A torn muscle hurts and it delays your progress. Using good form eliminates the risk of injury while weight training. However, proper technique has a more important benefit than safety and that is muscle gain. To pack on muscle weight, you have to lift weights using proper form.

Simply lifting a lot of weight is not the answer to building muscle because if the weight is too heavy it causes you to lose your technique. Of course, you always want to progress in the amount of weight you lift, but never do it at the expense of technique.

5. Development: Take your muscle development step by step in a logical manner. You will not gain 50 pounds of muscle in a month and you do not want to develop maxed out arms and neglect your legs. Gear your weight training workout in such a way that your whole body is enhanced by your muscle building workouts. Keep these five weight training tips in mind when you hit the gym for your next workout and maybe they can help you get the best results.

We have for you a lot of free muscle building routines, articles and programs. Find a lot of information about bodybuilding supplement industry to reveal the honest truth about building muscle, maximizing strength and dissolving away unwanted bodyfat. Visit us if you want to read more Bodybuilding Articles [http://www.musclefitnessclub.com/category/gym-workouts/]

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle - 5 Skinny Guy Workout Tips on How to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Months

So you want to gain 20 pounds of muscle fast? Whatever your reason, gaining 20 pounds of muscle within 6 months is totally achievable as long as you follow the right plan and stick to it.

5 Things You Must Do To Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle Fast

The five most important things you must do in order to gain 20 pounds of muscle fast just happen to be the main reasons why most skinny guys fail to achieve significant muscle growth no matter how hard they try.

These five things are:

Muscle Gain Diet = Eat Loads

Simply put, you need to eat a lot and consume vast amounts of quality calories in order to gain 20 pounds of muscle quickly. For instance the average male is supposed to consume between 2,000-2,500 calories per day...however, if you are looking to gain pounds of muscle you should be increasing this to around 3,500 spread over 6 meals.

Protein intake should increase also - a rule of thumb is 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of bodyweight...i.e. if you weight 150 pounds you should consume around 150 grams of protein.

Heavy Weights and Lower Reps

What does it matter if you can 30 reps on a low weight? I mean, that's all well and good, but it's never going to get you BIG.

This is a common mistake among skinny guys trying to gain 20 pounds of lean muscle mass, since they think that the numbers are really important.

The best way to train and build muscle quickly is to up the load and perform high-quality repetitions and small numbers of sets.

I try to aim for around 3 sets of between 8-12 reps...this is known as high-intensity low-volume training.

Workout LESS Often

Going down the gym all day every day is simply not necessary to gain 20 pounds of muscle. In fact if you're doing that, then it's probably a major reason why you're not seeing the gains that you would like.

To gain 20 pounds of muscle in 6 months you only need to workout 3 times per week, for around 45 minutes-1 hour per session.

The key to success is the intensity with which you workout. You'll also need a rest day between workouts to allow your muscles to recover and grow - working out every day only stunts your muscles' growth and can cause injury.

Sleep More To Gain Muscle Mass

The most underestimated element in any bodybuilding routine is the role of sleep, and good-quality sleep at that.

It has been proven that when in a deep sleep (i.e. once you've got passed the REM stage of sleep), our bodies produce a natural growth hormone which is essential to muscle repair and growth. By not getting adequate sleep you are simply undoing all your hard work in the gym and hampering your body's attempt to grow and gain muscle.

So, to gain 20 pounds of muscle make sure you allocate around 8 hours per night of quality sleep - and avoid any caffeine or exercise right before bedtime. Eating a banana has been known to aid sleep, although not in all cases.

Isolation Training Won't Help You Gain Muscle Fast

You've probably heard people talking about isolation exercises...i.e. Monday is arms day, Tuesday is chest day, Wednesday is legs day, Thursday is back day, etc, etc.

This type of routine may be fine if you're already big, but it's no good for a skinny guy looking to gain 20 pounds of muscle, after all...you'd only be working out each body part ONCE per week...and that's never gonna get you BIG.

As mentioned earlier, your workout routine should be performed 3 times per week and should consist of compound exercises that work your whole body, and produce bigger, stronger and more functional muscles.

Stick to the "big basic" exercises which work multiple muscle groups (Squats, Deadlifts, Chest Press, Woodchoppers, Bicep Curls, and Bent Over Rows).

Discover how a self-confessed "skinny twerp" called Vince Delmonte overcame his "skinny genes" and packed on 41 pounds of lean muscle mass to become a National Fitness Model champion ==> Gain 20 Pounds Of Muscle.

Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Increase Metabolism - Tips to Boost Metabolism Fast

Metabolism basically means the rate at which our body burns calories per day. Is it possible for me to increase metabolism?

The answer is: Yes. In order to increase metabolism you must have to take care of your diet plan and exercise plan. If your metabolic rate is slower and you are eating more, it means you are burning fewer calories than your calories intake which builds up a perfect environment for weight gain. In order to lose weight, increase your metabolism by following tips given below:

Increase your muscles size with strength training, muscle size is directly proportional to metabolic rate, means the more muscle size you have, the faster your metabolic rate will be. So, go for strength training exercise three to four times a week in order to increase your metabolism.

Eat smaller diet 6 to 8 times a day by consuming nutritious items such as fruits and dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries and other fruits, whole grains . Eat protein rich diet as protein intake stabilizes the amount of insulin in the bloodstream. It is highly-beneficial for you and your metabolic rate.

Do not go for fasting starving the body of a regular supply of nutrient in a misguided quest for over hasty weight loss. Go for aerobic exercise like walking, swimming or cycling, jogging, aerobic dancing added bonus of increasing your metabolism for 4 to 8 hours after you stop exercising.

In order to boost your metabolism, try not to skip your meals and breakfast. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Increase your daily physical activities like - brushing your hairs, walk the dog, going to evening walk with friends and family, using stairs rather than elevators. Do not try to eat less than 1200 calories a day; this will slow down your metabolism. Eat foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins, this will make your body to work much harder which results in increased metabolic rate.

If you want to lose weight by increasing your metabolism and also burn fat fast or building quick muscles then Go to world's fastest weight loss secret at http://true-weight-loss.info or increase your metabolism and lose weight fast with detoxification in order to regain your lost health at World's fastest detox Here.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Muscle Mass Tips - 3 Keys to Building Muscle While Burning Fat

Most trainees usually pick up their first barbell for two reasons: huge muscles with shredded definition. Of course everyone want's to be huge with chiseled cut's, so they should train to build muscle mass while burning fat, right?

Now here's the kicker....

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to build huge muscles without gaining some extra body fat, PERIOD!

The reason? Because to build muscle mass it is necessary to consume a surplus of calories to achieve optimal protein synthesis.

Since your body can't put 100% of it's caloric surplus towards muscle growth, there will always be a caloric excess adding to your body fat, making it impossible to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously.

Your goals should focus on building muscle mass, and then reducing body fat; NOT gaining muscle and burning fat simultaneously.

It's easier to burn body fat once you've built up your muscles, so obviously starting off by building muscle mass is the quickest route. So once again; focus on burning fat only after you have gained serious muscle.

3 key tips to achieve this are:

1) Don't go crazy on calories...

Work towards a program of "optimal nutrition", simply shoving more food down your throat that has nothing to do with gaining muscle mass, and you will probably get fatter.

When eating to gain muscle; a mere 15-20% more calories over what you would typically take in to keep yourself at your current weight will achieve muscle growth without gaining extra fat.

2) Consume quality food sources...

To insure maximum muscle growth, consume only lean, quality proteins, natural/full fiber carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats.

Stay away from sugar and if there is a farmer's market nearby, try shopping from there for fresh produce.

3) Throw in a moderate amount of cardio.

During a mass building cycle, try adding 2-3 cardio sessions weekly to increase your body's ability to restrict fat gains. Long duration cardio can cause you to breakdown muscle, so stick to high intensity/low duration sessions of cardio lasting no more than 10-20 minutes.

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Stop wasting time and start gaining muscle at: [http://www.musclereviewsite.info/]

My name is Vernon/aka Powerman918 and I build websites for bodybuilders

Monday, April 8, 2013

Simple Tips on How to Get a 6 Pack the Easy Way

A lot of people wonder how to get abs and yet they don't realize that it's almost always about discipline. This advice has been dispensed before in many ways and yet somehow people still don't really follow the basic methods of proper weight loss in order to get a really good and shapely abdomen. Although, a lot of folks do try to instill discipline in their personal weight-loss program and sometimes it leads to them just losing a lot of weight and looking terribly thin. Maybe that's a problem for some people, but not for most. In any case, if you're one of the hundreds of people who want to know how to get perfect abs, then this article will guide you on the most basic methods.

The Proper Diet

You are what you eat, as people say. The best method on how to get abs is really all about having a proper diet. You can't just eat too much; and you can't eat too little either just to lose all that body fat. When it comes to weight-loss or proper weight gain, you need to have some balance in your daily food consumption. Below is a list of some tips on how to get the right balance in your diet.

• Don't eat too much during one meal. What this means is that you shouldn't allow yourself to consume too much food during breakfast, lunch, or supper. Sometimes, people grow too hungry when they skip meals and this is the reason why they overeat when the next meal finally arrives. For example: don't allow yourself to skip breakfast or you'll be tempted to eat a lot during lunch.

• Eat 4 to 6 small meals a day. You'd rather be doing this instead of eating three complete and large meals a day. Frequent but smaller feedings is one of the best methods on how to get abs.

• Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Good Fats in a meal. This basically means that you should consume 40% proteins, 40% carbohydrates, and just 20% good fats so that it alleviates your body from overwork. Packing too much of anything into one meal causes an imbalance in your body's storage maintenance and will create more fats for your body.

• Do caloric cycles. This means that you should have about 2 weeks of lower calories (about 1200 for women and 2000 for men) and 2 weeks of higher calories (1500 for women and 2500 for women).

Weight-Training Basics

Here are some basic weight-training tips you should consider doing.

• Do some sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts and other exercises that focus on building your abdominal muscles.

• Do combination of these exercises for a maximum of one hour. Do these at least three or five times a week.

• Don't over-train on one exercise or you'll just end up too tired to work on the next set of workouts.

So that's how to get abs. But before you leave, here's a few closing tips: stretch before beginning any workout. Stretch everyday if you have to. Also, learn to rest your body whenever you feel out of breath so you can be sure that you have perfectly-shaped abs.

It is essential to know how to build abs [http://www.build6packsabs.com] because even the slightest mistake you do while training will break your abs building effort! Find more information on diet for six pack abs here!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Six Tips Or Secrets For Building Muscle Mass

The best way to get what you want is to find someone who already has exactly what you want and then learn from them. Because they already have what you are looking for they can help you save hours, days, weeks or possibly years to achieve your goals. Therefore, if you are looking to build muscles, stop reading the magazines and books and go find a personal trainer to get you into shape.

Having strong muscles is one great way to get a revved up metabolism. While there really aren't any secrets to building muscles there are some tips and tricks known by the experts to enable you to do this quickly and safely. We are going to explore 6 of these tips right now:

1. Decide:
The first thing you need to do is to make a decision specifically about what it is you want to achieve. Decide, and then find an expert to help you lay out a workout or eating plan specifically for you.

2. Make New Choices:
Start by eating healthy and organically. Remember the old wives tale that says you are what you eat? Well it's as true today as it was a hundred years ago. What kind of body do you really want? Eating White Castle hamburgers will get you a White Castle body. I hope the visual is as clear as I intended.

3. What Do YOU Need?

Everyone is different, and since we are all different, our bodies behave differently, we process food differently and we need to learn what our body is telling us. Spend some time with a nutritionist and learn what your individual body needs. Then construct an eating plan around you...not Arnold... or the local hunk - YOU.

4. Resistance Training:
One of the keys to building muscles is weight, or resistance training. Other exercise routines are great but they are not as focused on building muscles as a weight training plan. You might as well accept that to get the body you want you will need to include some resistance training in your program. Go back to my earlier comment - don't guess...get a trainer and work out a complete goal plan for YOU.

5. Learn How to Lift Weights Properly:
Some key points to be aware of are that slower can often be better than faster. Consider how many reps you will do, how much weight you will work with, how many sets you will do, and how much you will push yourself along the way. This is something your personal trainer can help you with. If you get too aggressive you may injure yourself and not be able to work out as you planned. This may set you back further than you thought and you will lose the drive and motivation to continue.

6. Understand proper vitamin and supplementation intake:
Your nutritionist can help you with this also. Don't go overboard and seek cortisone shots, or steroids just to get muscle definition. Do this the healthy, natural way and you will get rewards that will last a lifetime, not just a few weeks or months.

These are a few tips for you to consider during your search for information on how to build muscles and rev up your metabolism.

Following these tips and others that you will find at Get Metabolism Secrets will help you achieve the health, vitality and appearance that you are looking for. Also for a free report on Metabolism 101 go right now and visit Metabolism Secrets Explained.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Right Way To Gain Weight And Muscle

Many people go to the gym to exercise and not consider what is crucial for their muscles to reach the primary aim of gaining weight and muscle. They simply think that just because they can move the weight lifting apparatus, they are using the right exercise weight. Perfect weight gain programs don't happen by in an instant. They are well planned. Good muscle gains can really be achieved by means of using the right amount of weight.

But still, excessive exercising and eating a whole meat after the exercise is not good for your muscle. It is possibly to leave you weary for hours and also your muscle tissues sore for a week. And more possibly, it will zap your motivation to exercise and most likely you'll not think anymore all about your muscle gain program goals.

One way to way to build as well as gain muscle and also reduce body fat is to consume the most nutritious giving foodstuffs and have a great focus on more training and workout. Your diet plan must change to strictly protein-rich foods such as chicken, eggs, milk, fish, turkey, and nuts, and nutritive raw foods like fresh vegetables and fruits.

Just remember, it is necessary to consume raw foods because you can get more advantages from eating raw foods rather than cooked foods. The main reason for consuming raw vegetables and fruits is due to the fact that when you cook these, nutritious compounds are released. Thus, even though you are still consuming something of lower calories as well as fat content, you are not getting the essential nutritious compounds of the fruit or vegetable. Essential vitamins and minerals are crucial for gaining weight and muscle and maintaining overall physical health in general.

Check out Muscle Gaining or visit http://www.hubpages.com/hub/Gain-Weight-And-Muscle

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shocking Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast

How to build muscle fast is one of the questions people often ask. If you want to get that perfectly sculptured body you have been dreaming, you must follow a muscle building program that is right for you. You must have the proper diet as well as the determination to be able to build muscle fast.

If you are already following a workout, increase the resistance that you are currently using. You can have 3 or 5 sets with a heavier weight and then do it in 4 up to 6 repetitions.

If possible, try to work out six times a week. Divide the exercises for two body parts, two days for one week. For example, legs and chest exercises on Monday and Thursday, triceps and shoulders on Tuesday and Friday, then biceps and back on Wednesday and Saturday. It is best to do weight training exercises intended to add muscle mass.

Maintain a proper diet, which includes taking foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates. It is advisable to have seven meals a day. You have to double your carbohydrates intake for your meal after workout because this is when your body needs the extra proteins and carbohydrates to start the growth and repair of the muscle.

Adding supplements on your diet is also important to build muscle fast. To increase blood supply to your muscle fibers, you can include two scoops of whey protein and creatine to your water before and after the workout. It is also helpful to take multivitamins everyday for that additional stamina.

These tips are just the beginning. If you really want to have a bulked up, lean, muscular body, you need to check out the GainMuscleReview.Com [http://top.gainmusclereview.com/].

The Website is chock full of tips, workout programs, and nutritional plans to help you reach your goals and help you to build muscle fast.

Also there is a review of the top 3 muscle building programs. Anyone who want to take Muscle Building to the next level needs a Solid Program Workout Program. Go Grab a workout program at: GainMuscleReview.Com [http://top.gainmusclereview.com/]. You Won't Regret It