Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skinny to Muscle - Tips to Gain Muscle Fast!

Going from skinny to muscle is not as hard as many people say but it is harder than perhaps you might think due to the genetics in your body that keep you getting fat but also inhibit muscle growth. If you are looking to gain muscle fast not just incrementally then it becomes another step harder that the only solution is to work harder but more importantly to work "smarter".

This does not mean you can find shortcuts around hard work but it does mean that you, the skinny guy who wants a ripped physique needs to plan your workouts and understand exactly how your body works so you can be more efficient and spark muscle growth in extreme amounts! These tips proven to work for skinny guys to build muscle can get you started.

1. Do Not Do More Than 10 Reps

If you are doing more than 10 reps per exercise then you are not activating the right muscle fibers but instead activate the "slow-twitch" muscle fibers that have the least muscle growth opportunity. With this in mind you should always choose weights that would mean that an 11th rep would not be possible as to recruit the muscles you really want to grow.

Fast muscle growth equals heavy lifting and a heavy lifting mentality must be present in your workouts because doing more of a light weight does not increase your strength and muscles ... you have to CHALLENGE yourself and your muscles.

2. Lower Workout Time, Increase Intensity

A simple equation: Work / Time = work capacity

This means that to increase your work capacity (a mixture of fitness and strength) you either have to increase your work which is what most people think they need to do, but you can also Decrease the time you do the work in for the same result!

This is another challenge to your body and one that actually saves you time because spending hours upon hours in the gym is pointless if you could do the same amount of work in 30-45 minutes. This will really push you to the limit but it is well worth it, move on to the next exercise quicker, take shorter rests .. compress everything and the weight will stack on faster.

3. Only Do One Exercise per Muscle Group

Punishing your muscles do not make them grow and will not get you from skinny to muscled. You need to stress them and challenge them but once that task is done and you have sparked the muscle growth further exercise on that group is wasted.

So do the right number of reps and sets for a muscle group, but once you have reached your 100% maximum effort on that muscle group you have activated all the required muscle fibers so you should move on.

4. 3-5 Sets per Muscle Group Only

If you are doing more sets that this on a muscle group then you need to look at your intensity level!

As a general rule the first 1 to 2 sets should be about 85% max effort, the next set at 95% and the last set(s) at 100%. The last sets are the ones that really spark the muscle growth as you attempt to go beyond your body's abilities which forces it to adapt and start trying to get bigger to cope. You should also be trying to force an extra 1-2 reps or a little bit more weight on those last all out sets for maximum muscle growth.

5. Track Your Strength Increase to 5% More Per Fortnight

It can be easy to fall into a routine with weight training but if you really want to go from skinny to muscle then you need to pay attention to each and every workout and track your progress or you risk just going through the motions and not really challenging yourself.

For each exercise you should be increasing the weight by about 5% every two weeks. Writing these things down really helps you focus on progress and when you achieve them gives you the motivation to go back in every time with vigor and determination!

These tips are not just a bit of good skinny to muscle advice, they come from one of the most respected bodybuilders around who like you was not blessed with great muscle building genetics but was for most of his life a skinny little runt!

Click below to find out what he has to say and what he can do for YOU.


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