Are you getting bored doing your regular workout and don't get the physique that you long for? Maybe you don't have the right workout routines to build muscle. Keep on reading to know what you are missing.
Having workout routines to build muscle is very important. It gives you focus on what you need to do to achieve your goal. Before you start doing workouts, you need to coordinate with your trainer what type of physique you want to achieve and if you have some medical condition that should be considered in preparing the type of workout plan that will be best for you.
The content of a workout routine would be the things you will do everyday inside the gym. Since there are different types of exercises that need to be done, your everyday task will give you a balance activity so as to achieve your objective faster.
In every workout that you are going to do, it is very important to conduct warm up activities before you start your routine. Warming up will prepare not only your muscles but the whole body to whatever stress it will have during a session which can also minimize injury. Warm up activities like walking, jogging and stretching for about ten to fifteen minutes would be enough as a preparation.
One important thing to consider also in doing a workout plan is by having a focus on one muscle group per day. This is to avoid over training of muscles. Over training will not only hinder muscle growth but might also cause injury.
Here's an example of workout routine for beginners which can be done for three sets with at least ten to twelve repetitions.
First day - focused on bicep and triceps. Bicep curls, preacher curls, incline bicep curls, triceps presses, double bar triceps dip and lying barbell extension.
Second day - focused on your chest and shoulder. Bench press, inclined bench press and peck deck, shoulder press, front lateral raises and reverse peck deck fly.
Third day - focused on your back and legs. Seated pulley rows, barbell shrugs, lat pull downs, hack squats, box squats and calf raises.
On the fourth day until the sixth day, you can focus on developing your abs by doing crunches and reverse crunches and combine the first day activity.
Fifth day, abs combined with the second day activities and for the sixth day abs and the third day activities.
On the seventh day, you can either rest or do some aerobic exercises to give your muscles and body ample time to recover and develop.
To have workout routines to build muscle is not enough. You need to monitor also if the program you are doing really works. If not, you need to revise your program. To know how to measure your muscle development, visit my website here: and be able to achieve the body of your dreams.
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