Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"How Can I Gain Weight?" - 8 Tips For How To Muscle Build

Are you asking yourself "How can I gain weight"? Then get off your chair and learn how to muscle build, and be sure that you will indeed be building muscle, not gaining fat. You might be thinking that you are very skinny and would be happy gaining any type of weight, but keep in mind that you really don't want to gain that weight as fat. Your goal should be to build muscle.

You need to focus on building muscle for a few reasons. Muscle means you're strong, fat means you're weak. Muscle means you're healthy and fit and have a low chance of suffering a debilitating illness, fat means you're unhealthy and unfit and can potentially get seriously ill. Muscle makes you look cool, fat makes you look uncool. Your "How can I gain weight" question should be pointed to learning how to muscle build. To be sure, however, if you start to work out in order to build muscle you will be gaining some fat along the way, but a small amount of fat is normal and isn't a big deal.

If you've gotten this far and are continuing to ask yourself "How can I gain weight", here are eight tips to help you in how to muscle build and gain weight:

1) Keep a positive mindset. A positive mindset means you can do it and those who dare doubt your success should get lost.

2) Spend no more than an hour on working out at the gym every time. After 45 minutes of activity Cortisol levels rise up in your muscles and lead to muscle breakdown - not a good thing for how to muscle build or for your "how can I gain weight" quest.

3) Don't bother with isolation exercises that only target individual muscles. Instead, focus on major combination exercises like the bench press, deadlift, squat, and back rows, all of which target multiple muscles and lead to the most muscle gain results.

4) Make sure you're taking in enough protein. "How can I gain weight" you ask? Well, you certainly won't gain weight by eating any less than six times a day. You need to eat every 3-4 hours to keep your muscles saturated with protein and always in an anabolic state.

5) Forget the "shock your muscles by changing routines often" principle and stick to one workout routine. Your muscles respond to the commands "push" and "pull" and could care less whether or not you change your routine. Give your muscles what they want and don't listen to the hype.

6) Consume enough calories to fuel your workouts. If you're skinny and have little body fat then, unlike chubbier people, you have little energy reserves in your body and you need to consume enough carbs to give you energy needed during exercise.

7) Stay hydrated. Dehydration is one of the worst things you can to yourself while trying to build muscle. Drink 8-10 cups of water every day.

8) Get yourself enough rest. When it comes to how to muscle build, remember that you don't build that muscle while exercising, but while sleeping. On your " How can I gain weight " quest, rest results in the culmination of your efforts by allowing for muscle growth.

Check out more information on how to muscle build.


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