Do your Tricep Pushdowns in the following way and you’ll be well on your way to thicker arms.
In recent months it’s really hammered home to me that when hitting the triceps, both the NEGATIVE and STATIC strength should be emphasized.
Watch the video to get a visual of what I’m talking about and I’ll explain all afterwards.
Face a high pulley and grasp a V-bar attachment with overhand grip. Position the elbows to the side and keep them locked in there.
Now extend the arms FULLY. Do this pushing movement under full muscular control ensuring that it’s actually the triceps doing the work. Feel the muscle here, not the weight.
At the bottom when the arms are fully extended and the triceps are in the fully contracted position, pause for a brief second before starting the negative/raising.
Return SLOWLY until the forearm is parallel to the floor, no higher is required.
Once you go higher than parallel you enter the weakest range of motion for this movement. So you’d have to use a lighter weight to hit the same number of reps. And what for? You won’t be recruiting any extra muscle fibers or stimulating more growth. In fact, with the decreased overload, you’ll stimulate less growth. Parallel is high enough.
Roughly speaking, use a 2-1-3 cadence. 2 (down) 1 (hold) 3 (up). More importantly remember to push down under full muscular control of the triceps, pause briefly at the peak contraction point, and raise a little slower than you pushed down.
TIP: As far as the handle is concerned, use a V-type bar as opposed to a rope. You definitely aren’t as strong with the rope as you are with the bar. The rope means you have to divert a portion of your strength to stabilization; try it and experience it for yourself.
Also, don’t get this confused with the ‘McManus Pushdown‘, which is finisher move for your triceps using a much lighter weight.
Stay Motivated!
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