Sunday, October 30, 2011

Build Muscle Tips - How To Avoid Strained Muscles When First Beginning Your Muscle Building Program!


If you are a beginner and you've just decided to start up a workout program that might also include weightlifting in order for you to gain more muscle mass you will need to understand how to avoid straining or even spraining your poor muscles. Understand that even those with a lot of experience can sprain their muscles, so as a beginner you should be even more careful.

One of the first things you should do before you do anything is to make sure that you warm up before you do any kind of strenuous exercise this means even if it's not weights you really need to consider taking about 10 minutes of your time stretching out your muscles before you start your workout. Even when you start your workout you need to make sure that you start gradually building up the intensity of your workout as you go along.

You should also make sure that you wear shoes that will give you the proper support that you need for your feet and your ankles. You'd be surprised how much this will affect your entire body. You also need to make sure that you replace your shoes probably every six months or so. If you do a lot of running along with your workout you are going to want to replace them even more often.

You need to have patience when you are trying to build muscle. It is always better to go at a slower pace with more reps than it is to go fast with less reps. This will help tone your muscles as well as build more mass and it will help to cut down on strains or sprains to your muscles.

As much as you might not believe it, you should drink plenty of water. You need to keep your body hydrated for a variety of different reasons and one of those is to help your muscles to be healthy and hydrated muscles will be less likely to suffer from strains. Understand that your muscles are made of about 75% water so if you don't drink enough they are going to easily get fatigued and more susceptible to strains or injuries.

You also need to make sure that you maintain a healthy diet. Your muscles need a lot of nutrients to keep them healthy and nourished so they can stay in tip top condition. You should make sure that you have the right amount of carbs that come in whole grains and cereals and plenty of fresh fruit and fresh veggies. Make sure your meats are lean and that you also include other lean things like soy and legumes. Don't forget you add protein as well to your diet and make sure that you have a good amount of dairy products as well. The more help you can give your muscles nutritionally the better it will be for you in the long run.

For more free Building Muscle Information download Jack's Free Building Muscle & Weight Gain Information Pack at and join thousands of other people successfully building muscle.

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