Saturday, October 15, 2011

Top 10 Muscle Building Foods for Maximum Results

We all want to learn how to build muscle fast and quickly. Professional bodybuilders such as Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman keep telling us that we need to eat big if we want to look big. But the real question in this regard is what does that really mean? Does it mean going high on pound servings or stopping at the local drive in and ordering everything on the menu? Some would beg to differ.


Fact of the matter is that eating big refers to eating big portions of the right quantity of food. Gulping down five cheese burgers does not count. The ideal food should include two to six nutritious split meals that need to be consumed daily. Every bodybuilder’s aim should be to eat around 34-40 grams of protein a day combined with the right amount of carbohydrates. If you think proteins are going to be enough, you need to be advised about the benefits of carbs and how they help metabolism rates of the body so as to enable muscles to grow effectively. The best way to get the most effectual results would be to stick to a meal plan that is rich in proteins as well as carbs in a ratio of 2:1. Here is our list of the top ten muscle building foods that will give you a ripped and stunning body.

1. Salmon

Around six ounces of salmon is well capable of providing the body with 34g of proteins to help build muscle. Additionally, it contains 4g of Omega3 fatty acids that curtail muscle inflammation so as to aid muscle-tissue repairs and at the same time control the cortisol levels of the body. The Omega3 acids of the salmon also helps carry the glucose consumed directly to the muscles instead of bodyfat cells.

2. Lean Beef

There is a common misconception that meats such as lean beef add body fat instead of muscle. Fact of the matter is that lean beef is a rich dietary fat which contains Omega3 fatty acids similar to that of fish. The saturated fat of beef advocates body growth and is responsible for developing glucose in the muscles. However, what needs to be understood is that saturated fat needs to be consumed in its right quantities. Too much of it can lead to unneeded fat deposits and too little can compromise the development of testosterone which is essential for encouraging hormonal growth.

3. Eggs

It is a proven fact and has been nutritionally recommended that eggs serve the body with the precise amount of protein it needs. In fact, eggs should be on the top of this list due to the fact that is the best soluble protein that is absorbed by the body instantaneously. The core function of eggs is to regulate the breakup of food into amino acids and help the body grow. What needs to be understood is that eggs need to be combined with the right amount of exercise so as to avoid any cholesterol problems.

4. Whole Milk

Athletes and body builders around the world have been able to get lean muscles due to the fact that they consume whole milk and not skim or fat-free milk. Basic studies show that sixteen ounces of whole milk provide sixteen grams of protein and sixteen grams of fat. Whole milk has been known to regulate the anabolic conditions of the body and thereby make sure that muscle-tissue breakdown does not occur. Additionally, the fat found in whole milk has been proven to help reduce the risk of cancer as the body has a high absorption rate for Vitamin D.


5. Apple Juice

One of the biggest challenges that body builders experience is the irony of working out at a gym that tears open their muscles. While one can reap its benefits at a later stage, it is quintessential that the body be taken care of after a workout. The muscles need to regain its shape and structure itself adequately. This is where apple juice comes in and helps provide the much needed carbohydrates that will help provide an energy boost capable of lasting for hours. Fifteen ounces of apple juice provides up to fifty grams of carbs that is more than enough for the body to balance itself.

6. White Bread

Eating foods that are rich in fiber and are nutritious are the most sought after ways to help the body grow. White bread in this manner is the best food that one can consume after a workout. It has a fairly high digestive rate and is perfect for replenishing the body’s lost energy. It also helps restock lost glycogen levels and regulates the control of insulin which is necessary to build muscle.

7. Pasta

While there are a lot of people that would want to skip out pasta as part of their meal, there have been others that have sought it as a quintessential muscle building food. We all know that in order to build up a muscle rich body, we need to consume enough amounts of carbohydrates. Pasta in this regard proves to fit the bill perfectly. One cup of well prepared pasta provides the body with 45g of carbohydrates which is perfect for the body to grow. Weight trainers would want to skip any cheese accompaniments.

8. Yogurt

Natural yoghurt, either whole or skimmed, found in local stores is a perfect coolant for the body. Not many people know this but yoghurt contains something called ‘good bacteria’ which help eliminate the body’s bad bacteria out of its colon. Yoghurt when passing through the gastrointestinal tract helps remove any unwanted inflammatory agents that reduce the body’s capability to grow. Basically, what this means is; a cleaner stomach would be capable of absorbing more nutrients and thereby regulate muscle growth.

9. Garlic

Over the years, garlic has been one of those herbs that has passed down generations in being able to offer health remedies for a number of problems. The question on everyone’s mind is how can a herb that has no protein or carbs or fat help? What we do not know is that garlic is responsible for the changes in our body’s hormonal levels. Eating carbs and proteins helps the body to grow in terms of getting big. But if the hormonal levels of the body aren’t maintained, it would not encourage growth. This is where garlic steps in and helps augment the body’s augmented state. Stir fried chopped up garlic with beef, salmon or chicken is the ultimate anabolic addiction.

10. Olive Oil

There has been a lot of discussion about a body’s capability to react to olive oil for mass growth. Fact of the matter is that the consumption of foods cooked with olive oil has been discussed so much that it has been researched and proven to reduce rates of bodily inflammation. Olive oil also happens to be high in healthy fats that are required by the body to maintain its anabolic state.

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