Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't Know How to Eat to Gain Weight in Muscle? Learn How Today

Learning how to eat to gain muscle is a must for anyone trying to pack on the beef. Your diet plays such a huge role on how much muscle you will gain. You will not gain weight if you are not on the right diet plan and you will not gain muscle if you do not have an exercise plan. So in order to gain weight in muscle you will need both a meal plan and exercise program, but to get started I will explain how you will need to eat in order to gain muscle.

First Rule: Eat More Frequently

The biggest mistake I see when people are trying to gain muscle is eating only 3 large meals a day. Yes, it true that there will be a lot of calories and protein in each meal, but what most people do not know is your body can only absorb a certain amount of calories and protein per meal. With that said your body will store what it did not absorb as unwanted fat or cause bloating. So in order to maximize your muscle building abilities and lower your chances of gaining to much fat you should break up your meals into smaller portions eating 5-6 times a day.

Second Rule: Eating Enough Calories

Another huge mistake that I notice with people trying to gain weight in muscle is that they are not eating enough daily calories. You could be on the best exercise program in the world, but if you do not eat enough calories you will never gain muscle size. This is the main reason why most people trying to gain weight never do. What you need to do is keep track of what you are eating by reading the labels on boxes and writing down how many calories you are getting.

These two rules are just the beginning of learning how to gain weight in muscle but should help you get an ideal of what you should be doing.


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