Saturday, December 17, 2011

Building Muscle Tips - Find Your Lean Body Today


What good is a muscular body if you can't see it under layers of fat?

So how do you get over this tendency of our bodies to put on this extra weight? Well, it's because we've got it so good that we no longer need to exercise so much! That's kinda cool, but it's not helping our health or appearance. So How do we do it without supplements and surgery?

Building Muscle Tips - Strip That Fat From Your Body and Reveal Your Muscles Today!

Here's the trick:

Strip That Fat Step 1. Start a weight lifting program. Don't worry, you won't turn into a bodybuilder over night. You'd have to eat like a bodybuilder if you want to gain the massive amount's of muscle those guys posess. Muscles burn twice as much energy in your body as fat cells do, so they're a great advantage to burning fat. Lift weights 2-3 times a week and you'll start noticing your metabolism speeding up. You'll start to eat more because you're hungry. This is good! You're gonna need this muscle to help your metabolism kick into overdrive!

Strip The Fat Step 2. Don't do aerobic exercises. They take too long, and you can get the same results doing the same work in less time. If there's an easier way, wouldn't that be best? (haha, I'm such a lazy coach!)

So How Do We Train? What we've got to do is speed up the body's metabolism so it burns more fat, and faster, like stoking a furnace! We can do this by doing short (15 minute) but intense workouts. It's just like going for a long jog, but it takes less time. That's convenient isn't it!

Here's how it works:

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), or Interval Training is a training session divided into 2 parts. One intense, and the other less intense.

Here's an example of interval training:

Stretch 5 min warmup 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 1 min walk/jog 20 second sprint 5 min cooldown Stretches

Do this and you'll speed up your body fast and you'll be burning excess energy for days! And it only takes 15 minutes! It's sincerely the BEST way to strip the fat from your body fast. Weight lifters have known this for ages.

If you're already training 3 days a week, do this cardio training on your OFF days only. The reason why is because your body simply does not know how to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Alternate between the 2 so you can get the best of both worlds. And remember, take a day off. Nothing worse than burn out when you're doing so well.

Anything else? Yep... one last thing:

Building Muscle Tips - Step 3. Eat Your Vegetables!

I'm not going to get into the whole calorie argument and talk about how confusing it is to have to read all the food labels. Let's just be serious for a second. If you want to get the fat from your body it's not going to happen eating burgers and fries. You know it. So what do you eat? Well, your best option is to eat food that's got plenty of nutritional value and helps keep your body and metabolism moving. What's the best food to do that? Fruit and vegetables.

Yeah, I know, what a drag. Your mama always told you to eat your vegies. Turns out she was right eh. Well, I won't tell her if you don't!

Honestly though, eat your vegetables, and eat them raw if possible. Keep your protein foods high so your body can repair and recover. Snack on RAW nuts and seeds (not the salted ones!) and protein shakes / bars. Get your carbohydrates mostly from fresh fruits and vegetables. Get to know your local market and your body will thank you for it.

As you start to see results you'll become more motivated to change your diet. But trust me, if you

1. Start doing weights workouts
2. Do Interval Training
3. Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

You'll be leaner in no time.

Take some advice from a guy who's been there before: Dave Vower. He's a former skinny guy and successful Natural Muscle Builder. He's not only one of the very best muscle building experts online today, but he's got a weight loss method that works every time. Learn from a professional and take action today!


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